In this state-of-the-art report we provide an overview of the existing research on media use among youngsters and young adults in Belgium, Flanders and Brussels performed between 2010 and 2015. In the first part of the report, we focus on a number of important prerequisites for media use, particularly: access, competences and perception. In the second part of this document, we take a closer look at the actual use, starting with the general use of the available infrastructures. We also focus on the use of various devices and the Internet in relation to specific activities and contexts: seeking information, communicating and performing pass-time activities. In the third part of the report, we briefly summarize the previous sections. In the fourth part document, we present a number of conclusion, including the finding that youngsters and young adults show a clear preference towards the use of mobile devices, especially smaller devices like smartphones and MP3-players.

The report is written in Dutch in order to increase its accessibility for local practitioners. At the back of the document, a extended English summary is included.

Download the report free of charge via this hyperlink: Rapport D1 – State-of-the-art betreffende mediagebruik bij jongeren en jongvolwassenen in België, Vlaanderen en Brussel