Second intermediate evaluation at VDS

Second intermediate evaluation at VDS

In September 2018, a second intermediate evaluation of the TICKLE environment was carried out at the Vlaamse Dienst Speelpleinwerk (VDS), translated as the Flemish Service for Playground Work. The evaluation took place during their start weekend in Oud-Turnhout.

Here, a kind of city game, restricted to one street, was played. A divers set of cards with challenges was spread along the street. Participants had to find cards which became visible on the street map on the screen when they physically came in the vicinity of a card. These cards contained tasks and challenges with which points could be earned. Each challenge that was well executed yielded points. The aim was to collect as much points as possible.

User screen (Cards are in Dutch)

After the geo game, feedback of the participants on how to improve the TICKLE environment was asked and taken into account.

We would like to thank VDS and all participants for their cooperation and feedback during this second evaluation of the TICKLE environment!