Baudouin Elleboudt Award

Year: 2011

Baudouin Elleboudt was a pioneer in the Information Technology press in Belgium and a privileged observer of the IT sector. He introduced the 'Night of Information Technology-Information Technology Price (NIT-ITP)' which should later be renamed to the 'Baudouin Elleboudt Award'. This year's twelfth edition of the Baudouin Elleboudt Award honoured four students or groups of students who have completed their university or high school studies in Information Technology and Telecom.

WISE student Björn Puype is one of the four winners of the Baudoin Elleboudt Award 2011. In his master's thesis Extending the iGesture Framework with Multimodal Gesture Interaction Functionality, which was supervised by Prof. Beat Signer, he extended the iGesture gesture recognition framework with support for composite gestures and multimodal interaction.