
Pen-based Interaction
Signer, B.: "Pen-based Interaction", Handbook of Human Computer Interaction, Major Reference Work, Springer Nature, 2025
A Modular and Extensible Hardware Platform Prototype for Dynamic Data Physicalisation
Zhang, X., Ilić, M. and Signer, B.: "A Modular and Extensible Hardware Platform Prototype for Dynamic Data Physicalisation", WISE-2025-01, arXiv preprint, March 2025
eSPACE: Leveraging Theoretical Foundations for the End-User Development of Cross-Device and IoT Applications
Sanctorum, A. and Signer, B.: "eSPACE: Leveraging Theoretical Foundations for the End-User Development of Cross-Device and IoT Applications", ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), February 2025
The TOXIN Knowledge Graph: Supporting Animal-free Risk Assessment of Cosmetics
Sara Sepehri, Anja Heymans, Dinja De Win, Jan Maushagen, Audrey Sanctorum, Christophe Debruyne, Robim M Rodrigues, Joery De Kock, Vera Rogiers, Olga De Troyer, Tamara Vanhaecke, The TOXIN Knowledge Graph: Supporting Animal-free Risk Assessment of Cosmetics, Database, Volume 2025, 2025
Seamless Data Persistence in Simulation Models: A Metaprogramming Approach in Julia
Van Der Paelt, P., Lauwens, B. and Signer, B.: "Seamless Data Persistence in Simulation Models: A Metaprogramming Approach in Julia", Proceedings of SIMUtools 2024, 16th EAI International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, Bratislava, Slovakia, December 2024
As We May Interact: Challenges and Opportunities for Next-Generation Human-Information Interaction
Signer, B.: "As We May Interact: Challenges and Opportunities for Next-Generation Human-Information Interaction", Proceedings of HUMAN 2024, 7th Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext, Poznan, Poland, September 2024
Populating CSV Files from Unstructured Text with LLMs for KG Generation with RML
Maushagen, J., Sepehri, S., Sanctorum, A., Vanhaecke, T., De Troyer, O. and Debruyne, C.: "Populating CSV Files from Unstructured Text with LLMs for KG Generation with RML", In 20th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2024). CEUR-WS, September 2024
Towards End-User-Driven Generation of IoT Applications
Sanctorum, A. and Lujan, B.O.: "Towards End-User-driven Generation of IoT Applications", Companion Proceedings of EICS 2024, 16th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, Cagliari, Italy, June 2024
Discoverable and Interoperable Augmented Reality Environments Through Solid Pods
Van de Wynckel, M. and Signer, B.: "Discoverable and Interoperable Augmented Reality Environments Through Solid Pods", Proceedings of SoSy 2024 (Poster), 2nd Solid Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, May 2024
FidMark: A Fiducial Marker Ontology for Semantically Describing Visual Markers
Van de Wynckel, M., Valadez, I. and Signer, B.: "FidMark: A Fiducial Marker Ontology for Semantically Describing Visual Markers", Proceedings ESWC 2024, 21st International Conference on the Semantic Web Conference, Hersonissos, Greece, May 2024
Towards Distributed Intelligent Tutoring Systems Based on User-owned Progress and Performance Data
Malaise, Y., Van de Wynckel, M. and Signer, B.: "Towards Distributed Intelligent Tutoring Systems Based on User-owned Progress and Performance Data", Proceedings of SoSy 2024 (Poster), 2nd Solid Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, May 2024
Towards a Write Once Run Anywhere Approach in End-User IoT Development
Attoh, E. and Signer, B.: "Towards a Write Once Run Anywhere Approach in End-User IoT Development", Proceedings of IoTBDS 2024, 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security, Angers, France, April 2024
Explorotron: An IDE Extension for Guided and Independent Code Exploration and Learning
Malaise, Y. and Signer, B.: "Explorotron: An IDE Extension for Guided and Independent Code Exploration and Learning", Proceedings of Koli Calling 2023, 23rd International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli, Finland, November 2023
Inbox Harmony: A Recommendation System to Manage and Organise Emails Based on PIM Principles
Sachdeva, A. and Signer, B.: "Inbox Harmony: A Recommendation System to Manage and Organise Emails Based on PIM Principles", BNAIC/BeNeLearn 2023, Joint International Conference on AI and Machine Learning (Abstract), Delft, The Netherlands, November 2023
SemBeacon: A Semantic Proximity Beacon Solution for Discovering and Detecting the Position of Physical Things
Van de Wynckel, M. and Signer, B.: "SemBeacon: A Semantic Proximity Beacon Solution for Discovering and Detecting the Position of Physical Things", Proceedings of IoT 2023, 13th International Conference on the Internet of Things, Nagoya, Japan, November 2023
Where Do We Meet? Key Factors Influencing Collaboration Across Meeting Spaces
Valadez, I., Trullemans, S. and Signer, B.: "Where Do We Meet? Key Factors Influencing Collaboration Across Meeting Spaces", WISE-2023-02, arXiv preprint, November 2023
From Proprietary to High-Level Trigger-Action Programming Rules: A Natural Language Processing Approach
Attoh, E. and Signer, B.: "From Proprietary to High-Level Trigger-Action Programming Rules: A Natural Language Processing Approach", WISE-2023-01, arXiv preprint, October 2023
A Data Persistence Architecture for the SimJulia Framework
Van Der Paelt, P., Lauwens, B. and Signer, B.: "A Data Persistence Architecture for the SimJulia Framework", JuliaCon 2023 (Extended Abstract), Cambridge, USA, July 2023
Model-Driven Data Storage Using Dynamic Object-Relational Mapping
Van Der Paelt, P., Lauwens, B. and Signer, B.: "Model-Driven Data Storage Using Dynamic Object-Relational Mapping", SIMULTECH 2023, 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (Abstract), Rome, Italy, July 2023
Development of the TOXIN Knowledge Graph for Assisting Animal-free Risk Assessment of Cosmetic Ingredients
Sepehri, S., Maushagen, J., Vrijens, G., Debruyne, C., Rodrigues, R.M., Sanctorum, A., De Troyer, O. and Vanhaecke, T.: "Development of the TOXIN Knowledge Graph for Assisting Animal-free Risk Assessment of Cosmetic Ingredients", Knowledge Graphs for Data Integration (KG4DI) Workshop, Diepenbeek, Belgium, June 2023
Codeschool in a Box: A Low-barrier Approach to Packaging Programming Curricula
Malaise, Y. and Signer, B.: "Codeschool in a Box: A Low-barrier Approach to Packaging Programming Curricula", Proceedings of CSEDU 2023, 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Prague, Czech Republic, April 2023
Computing Education Research as a Translational Transdiscipline
Cole, E., Malaise, Y. and Signer, B.: "Computing Education Research as a Translational Transdiscipline", Proceedings of SIGCSE 2023, 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Toronto, Canada, March 2023
King’s Scroll: An Educational Game to Practise Code Prediction
Malaise, Y. and Signer, B.: "King’s Scroll: An Educational Game to Practise Code Prediction", Proceedings of SIGCSE 2023 (Poster), 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Toronto, Canada, March 2023
Knowledge Management in the Context of Toxicity Testing
Sanctorum, A., Maushagen, J., Sepehrni, S., Vrijens, G., de Kock, J., Vanhaecke, T., De Troyer, O. and Debruyne, C.: "Knowledge Management in the Context of Toxicity Testing", IntechOpen, Rijeka, 2023
From Business-Level Specifications to Smart Contracts for Blockchain-based Resource-Exchange Systems
Soni, K. and De Troyer, O.: "From Business-Level Specifications to Smart Contracts for Blockchain-based Resource-Exchange Systems" in In: Chen, S., Shyamasundar, R.K., Zhang, LJ. (eds) Blockchain – ICBC 2022. ICBC 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13733. Springer, Cham
Development of an Easy-to-Use, Semantic Technology-based Knowledge Base Containing Toxicological Information of Cosmetic Ingredients to Assist Animal-free Risk Assessment
Sara, S., Rodrigues, R.M., Delagrange, M., De Kock, J., Sanctorum, A., Maushagen, J., Debruyne, C., De Troyer and O. Vanhaecke, T. :"Development of an Easy-to-Use, Semantic Technology-based Knowledge Base Containing Toxicological Information of Cosmetic Ingredients to Assist Animal-free Risk Assessment", Proceedings of ESTIV 2022, 21st International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro, Barcelona, Spain, November 2022
Generating Smart Contracts for Blockchain-based Resource-Exchange Systems
Soni, K. and De Troyer, O.: "Generating Smart Contracts for Blockchain-Based Resource-Exchange Systems". In: Information and Web Intelligence, 24th International Proceedings of the 24th International Conference, iiWAS 2022, LNCS, volume 13635, pp104-109, Springer 2022
Towards Design Recommendations for Social Engagement Platforms Supporting Volunteerism Targeting Older People in Local Communities
Lindberg, R., Signer, B. and De Troyer, O.: "Towards Design Recommendations for Social Engagement Platforms Supporting Volunteerism Targeting Older People in Local Communities", Proceedings of GOODTECHS 2022, International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, Aveiro, Portugal, November 2022, p. 63 -79
POSO: A Generic Positioning System Ontology
Van de Wynckel, M. and Signer, B.: "POSO: A Generic Positioning System Ontology", Proceedings of ISWC 2022, 21st International Semantic Web Conference, Hangzhou, China, October 2022
Specifying Blockchain-based Resource-Exchange Systems by Business-Level Users Using a Generic Easy-To-Use Framework
Soni, K. and De Troyer, O.: "Specifying Blockchain-based Resource-Exchange Systems by Business-Level Users Using a Generic Easy-To-Use Framework", Proceeding of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) - Volume 2, LNNS Volume 560, pp. 36-54, Springer, 2022
A Solid-based Architecture for Decentralised Interoperable Location Data
Van de Wynckel, M. and Signer, B.: "A Solid-based Architecture for Decentralised Interoperable Location Data", Proceedings of IPIN 2022 (WiP), 12th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, Beijing, China, September 2022
A Transparent Data Persistence Architecture for the SimJulia Framework
Van Der Paelt, P., Lauwens, B. and Signer, B.: "A Transparent Data Persistence Architecture for the SimJulia Framework", ORBEL 2022, 36th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, Gent, Belgium, September 2022
Collaborative Sketching with Tangibles: Let’s Stop Soulless Meetings
Valadez, J. and Trullemans, S.: "Collaborative Sketching with Tangibles: Let’s Stop Soulless Meetings", Proceedings of EA CHI 2022, International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, USA, May 2022
Personalised Learning Environments Based on Knowledge Graphs and the Zone of Proximal Development
Malaise, Y. and Signer, B.: "Personalised Learning Environments Based on Knowledge Graphs and the Zone of Proximal Development", Proceedings of CSEDU 2022, 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Online Event, April 2022
Individualization in Serious Games: A Systematic Review of the Literature on the Aspects of the Players to Adapt To
Sajjadia, P., Ewais, A. and De Troyer, O.: Individualization in Serious Games: A Systematic Review of the Literature on the Aspects of the Players to Adapt To. In Entertainment Computing, Volume 41, 2022, 100468, ISSN 1875-9521 - Entertainment Computing Best Paper of 2023 Award
End-User Engineering of Ontology-based Knowledge Bases
Sanctorum, A., Riggio, J., Maushagen, J., Sepehri, S., Arnesdotter, E., Delagrange, M., De Kock, J., Vanhaecke, T., Debruyne, C. and De Troyer, O.: "End-User Engineering of Ontology-based Knowledge Bases", Behaviour & Information Technology, 41(9), 2022
Need Analysis for Higher Educational Institutions for using Virtual Reality-TESLA Project: Staff Willingness and Readiness for Using VR in Teaching
Ewais, A., Salah, Z., and Hamed, G. (2022). Need Analysis for Higher Educational Institutions for using Virtual Reality-TESLA Project: Staff Willingness and Readiness for Using VR in Teaching . International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 17(22), pp. 216–231.
Indoor Positioning Using the OpenHPS Framework
Van de Wynckel, M. and Signer, B.: "Indoor Positioning Using the OpenHPS Framework", Proceedings of IPIN 2021, 11th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, Lloret de Mar, Spain, November 2021
Towards an Up to Date list of Design Guidelines for Elderly Users.
Renny S. N. Lindberg and Olga De Troyer. 2021. Towards an Up to Date list of Design Guidelines for Elderly Users. In CHI Greece 2021: 1st International Conference of the ACM Greek SIGCHI Chapter (CHI Greece 2021). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 8, 1–7. DOI:
A Middleware for Implicit Human-Computer Interaction Across IoT Platforms
Attoh, E. and Signer, B.: "A Middleware for Implicit Human-Computer Interaction Across IoT Platforms", Adjunct Proceedings of UbiComp 2021, ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Virtual Event, September 2021
Gamification, Persuasive Techniques, and Nudging: What is the Impact on the User Experience?
De Troyer, O. (2021) Gamification, Persuasive Techniques, and Nudging: What is the Impact on the User Experience? Extended Abstract of Keynote Speech at RoChi 2021 in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction – RoCHI 2021, 16-17 September, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 1-3.
Back to the Future: Bringing Original Hypermedia and Cross-Media Concepts to Modern Desktop Environments
Signer, B., Roels, R., van Barlingen, R. and Willems, B.: "Back to the Future: Bringing Original Hypermedia and Cross-Media Concepts to Modern Desktop Environments", Proceedings of Hypertext 2021, 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Virtual Event, August 2021
A Jigsaw-based End-User Tool for the Development of Ontology-based Knowledge Bases
Sanctorum, A., Riggio J., Sepehri, S., Arnesdooter, E. Vanhaecke, T., De Troyer, O.: "A Jigsaw-Based End-User Tool for the Development of Ontology-Based Knowledge Bases", Proceedings of IS-EUD 2021, 8th International Symposium on End-User Development, July 2021
Design Requirements for Recommendations in End-User User Interface Design
Sanctorum, A., Rukonic, L. and Signer, B.: "Design Requirements for Recommendations in End-User User Interface Design", Proceedings of IS-EUD 2021, 8th International Symposium on End-User Development, July 2021
OpenHPS: Single Floor Fingerprinting and Trajectory Dataset
Van de Wynckel, Maxim, & Signer, Beat. (2021). "OpenHPS: Single Floor Fingerprinting and Trajectory Dataset", May 2021 [Dataset].
A Reference Model for Mobile Playful Learning Environments
Maushagen, J. & De Troyer, O., 2021, A Reference Model for Mobile Playful Learning Environments in Proceedings of the International Conferences on Mobile Learning 2021 and Educational Technologies 2021. Arnedillo Sánchez, I., Kommers, P., Issa, T. & Isaías, P. (eds.). IADIS Press, p. 11-18
Interview with Beat Signer
Atzenbeck, C.: "Interview with Beat Signer", ACM SIGWEB Newsletter 2021(Winter), February 2021
Mobile Learning Application for Helping Pupils in Learning Chemistry
Ewais, A., Hodrob, R., Maree, M. & Jaradat, S., 2021, Mobile Learning Application for Helping Pupils in Learning Chemistry In International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies. 15, 1, p. 105-118 14 p.
OpenHPS: An Open Source Hybrid Positioning System
Van de Wynckel, M. and Signer, B.: "OpenHPS: An Open Source Hybrid Positioning System", Technical Report WISE Lab, WISE-2020-01, December 2020
Multidisciplinary Development Process of a Story-based Mobile Augmented Reality Game for Learning Math
Kim, J. C., Lindberg, R. S., Laine, T. H., Faarinen, E. C., De Troyer, O., & Nygren, E. (2019, November). Multidisciplinary Development Process of a Story-based Mobile Augmented Reality Game for Learning Math. In 2019 17th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA) (pp. 372-377). IEEE.
User-driven Design Guidelines for the Authoring of Cross-Device and Internet of Things Applications
Sanctorum, A., Kieffer, S. and Signer, B.: "User-driven Design Guidelines for the Authoring of Cross-Device and Internet of Things Applications", Proceedings of NordiCHI 2020, 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Tallinn, Estonia, October 2020
Towards a Reference Model of Guidelines for the Elderly Based on Technology Adoption Factors
Lindberg, R. S., & De Troyer, O. (2020, September). Towards a Reference Model of Guidelines for the Elderly Based on Technology Adoption Factors. In Proceedings of the 6th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good - GoodTechs '20 (pp. 30-35).
Designing Engaging Games for Education: A Systematic Literature Review on Game Motivators and Design Principles
Laine, T. H., & Lindberg, R. S. (2020). Designing Engaging Games for Education: A Systematic Literature Review on Game Motivators and Design Principles. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.
Screening of repeated dose toxicity data in safety evaluation reports of cosmetic ingredients issued by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety between 2009 and 2019
Gustafson, E., Debruyne, C., De Troyer, O., Rogiers, V., Vinken, M., & Vanhaecke, T. (2020). Screening of repeated dose toxicity data in safety evaluation reports of cosmetic ingredients issued by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety between 2009 and 2019. Archives of Toxicology, 94(11), 3723-3735.
Evaluation of the Pedagogical Quality of Mobile Math Games in App Marketplaces
Laato, Samuli, Renny Lindberg, Teemu H. Laine, Phuong Bui, Boglarka Brezovszky, Lauri Koivunen, Olga De Troyer, and Erno Lehtinen. "Evaluation of the Pedagogical Quality of Mobile Math Games in App Marketplaces." In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2020.
A Technology-enhanced Smart Learning Environment Based on the Combination of Knowledge Graphs and Learning Paths
Ilkou, E. and Signer, B.: "A Technology-enhanced Smart Learning Environment Based on the Combination of Knowledge Graphs and Learning Paths", Proceedings of CSEDU 2020, 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, May 2020
Facilitating Data Curation: a Solution Developed in the Toxicology Domain
Facilitating Data Curation: a Solution Developed in the Toxicology Domain Debruyne, C., Riggio, J., Gustafson, E., O'Sullivan, D., Vinken, M., Vanhaecke, T. & De Troyer, O., 2020, 14th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2020). IEEE, p. 315-320
Multiple Intelligences and Digital Learning Game Design: How to Consider the Intelligences of Players?
Sajjadi, P., & De Troyer, O. (2020). Multiple Intelligences and Digital Learning Game Design: How to Consider the Intelligences of Players? In Examining Multiple Intelligences and Digital Technologies for Enhanced Learning Opportunities (pp. 41-64). IGI Global.
Playful Learning with a Location-Based Digital Card Environment: A Promising Tool for Informal, Non-Formal, and Formal Learning
De Troyer, O., Maushagen, J., Lindberg, R., D. Breckx (2020). Playful Learning with a Location-Based Digital Card Environment: A Promising Tool for Informal, Non-Formal, and Formal Learning. Information 2020, 11(3), 157 (Special Issue Advances in Mobile Gaming and Games-based Leaning)
A Delphi-based expert judgment method applied to the validation of a mature Agile framework for Web development projects
Torrecilla-Salinas, C.J., De Troyer, O., Escalona, M.J., and Mejías, M., A Delphi-based expert judgment method applied to the validation of a mature Agile framework for Web development projects, Inf Technol Manag (2019) 20: 9, pp 9-40.
A Playful Mobile Digital Environment to Tackle School Burnout using Micro Learning, Persuasion & Gamification: Design Approach & Architecture
De Troyer, O., Maushagen, J., Lindberg, R., Muls, J., Signer, B. & Lombaerts, K. (2019). A Playful Mobile Digital Environment to Tackle School Burnout using Micro Learning, Persuasion & Gamification: Design Approach & Architecture. In: 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). IEEE Computer Society, p. 81-83
A Conceptual Framework and Content Model for Next Generation Presentation Solutions
Roels, R. and Signer, B.: "A Conceptual Framework and Content Model for Next Generation Presentation Solutions", Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI), 2019
Towards Cross-Media Information Spaces and Architectures
Signer, B.: "Towards Cross-Media Information Spaces and Architectures", Proceedings of RCIS 2019, 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, Brussels, Belgium, May 2019
A Unifying Reference Framework and Model for Adaptive Distributed Hybrid User Interfaces
Sanctorum, A. and Signer, B.: "A Unifying Reference Framework and Model for Adaptive Distributed Hybrid User Interfaces", Proceedings of RCIS 2019, 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, Brussels, Belgium, May 2019
A Study on Female Students’ Attitude Towards the Use of Augmented Reality to Learn Atoms and Molecules Reactions in Palestinian Schools
Ewais, A. & De Troyer, O., A Study on Female Students’ Attitude Towards the Use of Augmented Reality to Learn Atoms and Molecules Reactions in Palestinian Schools. International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics: AVR 2019, LNCS 11614. De Paolis, L. T. & Bourdot, P. (eds.). Springer Nature Switzerland AG, p. 295-309
A Trustable Platform for Exchange of Resources across Organizations and their Customers
Soni, K.: A Trustable Platform for Exchange of Resources across Organizations and their Customers. In Proceedings of ACM Middleware conference (Middleware’19), pp 20-22. ACM, California, CA, USA.
A Usability and Acceptance Evaluation of the Use of Augmented Reality for Learning Atoms and Molecules Reaction by Primary School Female Students in Palestine
Ewais, A., & De Troyer, O. (2019). A Usability and Acceptance Evaluation of the Use of Augmented Reality for Learning Atoms and Molecules Reaction by Primary School Female Students in Palestine. In : Journal of Educational Computing Research. 28 p.
An ontology for representing and annotating data flows to facilitate compliance verification
An ontology for representing and annotating data flows to facilitate compliance verification Debruyne, C., Riggio, J., De Troyer, O. & O'Sullivan, D., 1 May 2019, Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science. IEEE Computer Society, (Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science; vol. 2019-May).
Blockchain as Middleware for Exchange of Resources: The Cross-Company Loyalty Rewarding System Use Case
Soni, K. and De Troyer, O.: Blockchain as Middleware for Exchange of Resources: The Cross-Company Loyalty Rewarding System Use Case. In 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS ’19), December 2-4, 2019, pp 684–688, Munich, Germany.
Combining a Gamified Civic Engagement Platform with a Digital Game in a Loosely Way to Increase Retention
Renny S. N. Lindberg, Jan Maushagen, and Olga De Troyer. 2019. Combining a Gamified Civic Engagement Platform with a Digital Game in a Loosely Way to Increase Retention. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2019). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 679–683. DOI:
Designing a serious game as a tool for landscape and urban planning immersive learning
Nieto-Lugilde, D., Torrecilla-Salinas, C.J., De Troyer, O. and Gutiérrez, J. (2019). "Designing a serious game as a tool for landscape and urban planning immersive learning", Workshop, Long and Short Paper, and Poster Proceedings from the Fifth Immersive Learning Research Network Conference (iLRN 2019 London), pp. 140-147. Beck et al. (eds) 2019.
Development and Evaluation of an Educational Game to Practice the Truth Tables of Logic
De Troyer, O., Lindberg, R., Maushagen, J. & Sajjadi, P., 2019. Development and Evaluation of an Educational Game to Practice the Truth Tables of Logic. In: 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). IEEE Computer Society, p. 92-96
Enhanced Document Retrieval and Discovery Based on a Combination of Implicit and Explicit Document Relationships
Tayeh, A.A.O., Tran, N. and Signer, B.: "Enhanced Document Retrieval and Discovery Based on a Combination of Implicit and Explicit Document Relationships", Proceedings of DocEng 2019, 19th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Berlin, Germany, September 2019
Multidisciplinary Development Process of a Story-based Mobile Augmented Reality Game for Learning Math
Kim, J. C., Lindberg, R., Laine, T., Faarinen, E-C., De Troyer, O. & Nygren, E., Multidisciplinary Development Process of a Story-based Mobile Augmented Reality Game for Learning Math. 2019 17th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA): IEEE, p. 372-377
Towards End-User Development of Distributed User Interfaces
Sanctorum, A. and Signer,B.: "Towards End-User Development of Distributed User Interfaces", Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS), 2019
TrueBiters, an educational game to practice the truth tables of propositional logic: Development, evaluation, and lessons learned.
De Troyer, O., Lindberg, R. & Sajjadi, P. TrueBiters, an educational game to practice the truth tables of propositional logic: Development, evaluation, and lessons learned. Smart Learn. Environ. 6, 27 (2019) doi:10.1186/s40561-019-0105-2
Usability Aspects Related to the Use of M-Learning in Elementary Schools in Palestine
Ewais, A., Jaradat, S., Rabaya, K., and De Troyer, O. (2019). Usability Aspects Related to the Use of M-Learning in Elementary Schools in Palestine. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 9:2, pp. 2339-2347. ISSN: 2278-3075.
Towards a Framework for Dynamic Data Physicalisation
Signer, B., Ebrahimi, P., Curtin, T.J. and Abdullah, A.K.A.: "Towards a Framework for Dynamic Data Physicalisation", International Workshop Toward a Design Language for Data Physicalization, Berlin, Germany, October 2018
A Metamodel and Prototype for Fluid Document Formats
Tayeh, A.A.O., Dumas, B. and Signer, B.: "A Metamodel and Prototype for Fluid Cross-Media Document Formats", Proceedings of DChanges 2018, International Workshop on (Document) Changes: Modeling, Detection, Storage and Visualization, Halifax, Canada, August 2018
Cross-Media Document Linking and Navigation
Tayeh, A.A.O., Ebrahimi, P. and Signer, B.: "Cross-Media Document Linking and Navigation", Proceedings of DocEng 2018, 18th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Halifax, Canada, August 2018
Crossing Spaces: Towards Cross-Media Personal Information Management User Interfaces
Trullemans, S., Ebrahimi, P., and Signer, B.: "Crossing Spaces: Towards Cross-Media Personal Information Management User Interfaces" (short paper), Proceedings of AVI 2018, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Grosseto, Italy, May 2018
An Analysis of Cross-Document Linking Mechanisms
Tayeh, A.A.O. and Signer, B.: "An Analysis of Cross-Document Linking Mechanisms", Proceedings of JCDL 2018, ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Fort Worth, USA, June 2018
INFEX: A Unifying Framework for Cross-Device Information Exploration and Exchange
Roels, R., De Witte, A. and Signer, B.: "INFEX: A Unifying Framework for Cross-Device Information Exploration and Exchange", Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI), 2 (EICS, Article 2), June 2018
Designing Prosthetic Memory: Audio or Transcript, That is the Question
Trullemans, S., Ebrahimi, P., and Signer, B.: "Designing Prosthetic Memory: Audio or Transcript, That is the Question", Proceedings of AVI 2018, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Grosseto, Italy, May 2018
Enabling and Informing the Design of Cross-Media Personal Information Management Solutions
Trullemans, S.: "Enabling and Informing the Design of Cross-Media Personal Information Management Solutions", Dissertation VUB. Brussels, Belgium, February 2018
"Learning Analytics" in het Vlaams hoger onderwijs
Tinne De Laet e.a. (2018). "Learning Analytics" in het Vlaams hoger onderwijs, KVAB Standpunt 58, 2018
A Framework for Automatic Exam Generation based on Intended Learning Outcomes
Amria A., Ewais A. and Hodrob R. (2018). A Framework for Automatic Exam Generation based on Intended Learning Outcomes. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU, ISBN 978-989-758-291-2, pages 474-480. DOI: 10.5220/0006795104740480.
Psychometric data of a questionnaire to measure cyberbullying bystander behavior and its behavioral determinants among adolescents
A. DeSmet, S. Bastiaensens, K. Van Cleemput, K. Poels, H. Vandebosch, G. Deboutte, L. Herrewijn, S. Malliet, S. Pabian, F. Van Broeckhoven, O. De Troyer, G. Deglorie, S. Van Hoecke, K. Samyn and I. De Bourdeaudhuij, Psychometric data of a questionnaire to measure cyberbullying bystander behavior and its behavioral determinants among adolescents, Data in Brief,
The efficacy of the Friendly Attac serious digital game to promote prosocial bystander behavior in cyberbullying among young adolescents: A cluster-randomized controlled trial
DeSmet, A., Bastiaensens, S., Van Cleemput, K., Poels, K., Vandebosch, H.,Deboutte, G. Herrewijn, L., Malliet, S., Pabian, S., Van Broeckhoven, De Troyer, O., Deglorie, G., Van Hoecke, S., Samyn, K. & De Bourdeaudhuij, I. (2018). The efficacy of the Friendly Attac serious digital game to promote prosocial bystander behavior in cyberbullying among young adolescents: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. Computers in Human Behavior 78, 336-347
Track, calculate and optimise eye lens doses of interventional cardiologists using mEyeDose and mEyeDose_X
Covens, P., Dabin, J., De Troyer, O., Dragusin, O., Maushagen, J., & Struelens, L. (2018). Track, calculate and optimise eye lens doses of interventional cardiologists using mEyeDose and mEyeDose_X. In: Journal of Radiological Protection. 38 (2), p. 678-687
Bespoke Map Customization Behaviour and Its Implications for the Design of Multimedia Cartographic Tools
Brock, A., Hecht, B., Signer, B. and Schöning, J.: "Bespoke Map Customization Behaviour and Its Implications for the Design of Multimedia Cartographic Tools", Proceedings of MUM 2017, 16th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, Stuttgart, Germany, November 2017
Fundamental Concepts for Interactive Paper and Cross-Media Information Spaces
Signer, B.: "Fundamental Concepts for Interactive Paper and Cross-Media Information Spaces", Second Edition, ISBN 978-3-8370-2713-6, August 2017 (first published 2006 as Diss ETH No. 16218)
Interactive and Narrative Data Visualisation for Presentation-based Knowledge Transfer
Roels, R., Baeten, Y. and Signer, B.: "Interactive and Narrative Data Visualisation for Presentation-based Knowledge Transfer", Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), 739, 2017
The Context Modelling Toolkit: A Unified Multi-Layered Context Modelling Approach
Trullemans, S., Van Holsbeeke, L. and Signer,B.: "The Context Modelling Toolkit: A Unified Multi-Layered Context Modelling Approach", Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI), 1(1), June 2017, presented at EICS 2017, 9th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2017
Tangible Holograms: Towards Mobile Physical Augmentation of Virtual Objects
Signer, B. and Curtin, T.J.: "Tangible Holograms: Towards Mobile Physical Augmentation of Virtual Objects", Technical Report WISE Lab, WISE-2017-01, March 2017
Adaptive MOOCs: A Framework for Adaptive Course based on Intended Learning Outcomes
Ewais, A., Samra, D.A. (2017). Adaptive MOOCs: A Framework for Adaptive Course based on Intended Learning Outcomes. In Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications (ICKEA 2017), IEEE, p.204-209
Audio and Video Adaptation Inside 3D Virtual Learning Environments
Ewais, A., Maree, M., De Troyer, O., Kharraz, B. (2017). Audio and video adaptation inside 3D virtual learning environments. In Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on eLearning (eLearning-2017), Belgrade, Serbia. Eds. Trebinjac, B, Kovačević, S, Jovanović, S. pp. 77-81
Creating Story-based Serious Games Using a Controlled Natural Language Domain Specific Modeling Language
De Troyer, O., Van Broeckhoven, F. & Vlieghe, J. (2017). Creating Story-based Serious Games Using a Controlled Natural Language Domain Specific Modeling Language. In: Serious Games and Edutainment Applications: Volume II. Ma, M. & Oikonomou, A. (eds.). Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 567 603
Driving Innovation Through Big Open Linked Data (BOLD): Exploring Antecedents Using Interpretive Structural Modelling
Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi, Marijn Janssen, Emma L. Slade, Nripendra P. Rana, Vishanth Weerakkody, Jeremy Millard, Jan Hidders, Dhoya Snijders: Driving innovation through big open linked data (BOLD): Exploring antecedents using interpretive structural modelling. Information Systems Frontiers 19(2): 197-212 (2017)
Exploring the Relation between the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Games For the Purpose of Player-Centred Game Design
Sajjadi P, Vlieghe J and De Troyer O, “Exploring the Relation between the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Games For the Purpose of Player-Centred Game Design” The Electronic Journal of e-Learning Volume 15 Issue 4 2017, (pp320-334) available online at
Finding AND-OR Hierarchies in Workflow Nets
Jacek Sroka, Jan Hidders: Finding AND-OR Hierarchies in Workflow Nets. CoRR abs/1701.02199 (2017)
Individualizing Learning Games: Incorporating the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in Player-Centered Game Design
Sajjadi, P (2017). Individualizing Learning Games: Incorporating the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in Player-Centered Game Design. PhD Thesis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
J-Logic: Logical Foundations for JSON Querying
Jan Hidders, Jan Paredaens, Jan Van den Bussche: J-Logic: Logical Foundations for JSON Querying. PODS 2017: 137-149
Linking Serious Game Narratives With Pedagogical Theories and Pedagogical Design Strategies
De Troyer, O, Van Broeckhoven, F., Vlieghe, J. (2017). Linking serious game narratives with pedagogical theories and pedagogical design strategies. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 29(3), pp. 549–573. Springer Science+Business Media New York
NDT-Agile: An Agile, CMMI-Compatible Framework for Web Engineering
Torrecilla-Salinas C.J., Guardia T., De Troyer O., Mejías M., Sedeño J. (2017) NDT-Agile: An Agile, CMMI-Compatible Framework for Web Engineering. In: Mas A., Mesquida A., O'Connor R., Rout T., Dorling A. (eds) Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination. SPICE 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 770, pp 3-16. Springer, Cham
The efficacy of the Friendly Attac serious digital game to promote prosocial bystander behavior in cyberbullying among young adolescents: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
DeSmet, A., Van Cleemput, K., Poels, K., Vandebosch, H., De Troyer, O., Van Hoecke, S., Samyn, K. & De Bourdeaudhuij, I. (2017). The efficacy of the Friendly Attac serious digital game to promote prosocial bystander behavior in cyberbullying among young adolescents: a cluster-randomized controlled trial. In: Front. Public Health. Conference Abstract: 3rd UCL Centre for Behaviour Change Digital Health Conference 2017, 1 p.
Towards Effective Serious Games
De Troyer, O. (2017). Towards Effective Serious Games. In: Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games), IEEE, pp 284-289
Una aplicación práctica del método Delphi para la validación de una propuesta de Ingeniería Web
C.J. Torrecilla-Salinas, O. De Troyer, M.J. Escalona, M. Mejías (2017). Una aplicación práctica del método Delphi para la validación de una propuesta de Ingeniería Web, In: Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD)
A Dynamically Extensible Cross-Document Link Service
Tayeh, A.A.O.: "A Dynamically Extensible Cross-Document Link Service", Dissertation VUB. Brussels, Belgium, October 2016
A Multi-layered Context Modelling Approach for End Users, Expert Users and Programmers
Trullemans, S. and Signer, B.: "A Multi-layered Context Modelling Approach for End Users, Expert Users and Programmers", Proceedings of SERVE 2016, International Workshop on Smart Ecosystems cReation by Visual dEsign, Bari, Italy, June 2016
DocTr: A Unifying Framework for Tracking Physical Documents and Organisational Structures
Trullemans, S., Vercruysse, A. and Signer, B.: "DocTr: A Unifying Framework for Tracking Physical Documents and Organisational Structures", Proceedings of EICS 2016, 8th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, Brussels, Belgium, June 2016
PimVis: Exploring and Re-finding Documents in Cross-Media Information Spaces
Trullemans, S., Sanctorum, A. and Signer, B.: "PimVis: Exploring and Re-finding Documents in Cross-Media Information Spaces", Proceedings of AVI 2016, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Bari, Italy, June 2016
Towards User-defined Cross-Device Interaction
Sanctorum, A. and Signer, B.: "Towards User-defined Cross-Device Interaction", Proceedings of DUI 2016, 5th Workshop on Distributed User Interfaces, Lugano, Switzerland, June 2016
An Interactive Data Visualisation Approach for Next Generation Presentation Tools: Towards Rich Presentation-based Data Exploration and Storytelling
Roels, R., Baeten, Y. and Signer, B.: "An Interactive Data Visualisation Approach for Next Generation Presentation Tools: Towards Rich Presentation-based Data Exploration and Storytelling", Proceedings of CSEDU 2016, 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Rome, Italy, May, 2016
An Interactive Source Code Visualisation Plug-in for the MindXpres Presentation Platform
Roels, R., Mestereaga, P. and Signer, B.: "An Interactive Source Code Visualisation Plug-in for the MindXpres Presentation Platform" (extended version of CSEDU 2015 paper), Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), 583, 2016
A Formal and Unified Description of XML Manipulation Languages
Jan Hidders, Jan Paredaens: A Formal and Unified Description of XML Manipulation Languages. Fundam. Inform. 145(4): 429-470 (2016)
A semantic architecture for preserving and interpreting the information contained in Irish historical vital records
Debruyne, C., Beyan, O. D., Grant, R., Collins, S., Decker, S., Harrower, N.: A semantic architecture for preserving and interpreting the information contained in Irish historical vital records. Int J Digit Libr: 1-16 (2016) doi:10.1007/s00799-016-0180-8
DatalogRA: datalog with recursive aggregation in the spark RDD model
Marek Rogala, Jan Hidders, Jacek Sroka: DatalogRA: datalog with recursive aggregation in the spark RDD model. GRADES 2016: 3
Detecting User Profiles in Collaborative Ontology Engineering Using a User’s Interactions
S. Van Laere, R. Buyl, M. Nyssen, and C. Debruyne. Detecting user profiles in collaborative ontology engineering using a user’s interactions. Journal on Data Semantics, pages 1–12, 2016
Evidence-Based Mapping Between the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Game Mechanics for the Purpose of Player-Centered Serious Game Design
Sajjadi, P., Vlieghe, J. & De Troyer, O. (2016). Evidence-Based Mapping Between the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Game Mechanics for the Purpose of Player-Centered Serious Game Design. In: 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games). IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing, 8 p.
Exploring the Relation Between Game Experience and Game Mechanics for Bodily-Kinesthetic Players
Sajjadi, P., Lo-A-Njoe, A., Vlieghe, J. & De Troyer, O. (2016). Exploring the Relation Between Game Experience and Game Mechanics for Bodily-Kinesthetic Players. In: Games and Learning Alliance: 5th International Conference, GALA 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands, December 5–7, 2016, Proceedings. Bottino, R., Jeuring, J. & Veltkamp, R. C. (eds.). Springer International Publishing, p. 354-364 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 10056)
Localized Website Design Advisor: A Web-Based Tool Providing Guidelines for Cross-Cultural Websites
Mushtaha, A. & De Troyer, O. (2016). Localized Website Design Advisor: A Web-Based Tool Providing Guidelines for Cross-Cultural Websites. In: Design, User Experience, and Usability: Novel User Experiences, Pt II. Springer International Publishing, Vol. 9747, p. 396-406 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
On the Impact of the Dominant Intelligences of Players on Learning Outcome and Game Experience in Educational Games: The TrueBiters Case
Sajjadi, S., El Sayed, E. & De Troyer, O. (2016). On the Impact of the Dominant Intelligences of Players on Learning Outcome and Game Experience in Educational Games: The TrueBiters Case. In: Games and Learning Alliance : 5th International Conference, GALA 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands, December 5–7, 2016, Proceedings. Bottino, R., Jeuring, J. & Veltkamp, R. C. (eds.). Springer International Publishing, p. 221-231 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 10056)
Open and Big Data Management and Innovation - 14th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society, I3E 2015
Marijn Janssen, Matti Mäntymäki, Jan Hidders, Bram Klievink, Winfried Lamersdorf, Bastiaan van Loenen, Anneke Zuiderwijk: Open and Big Data Management and Innovation - 14th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society, I3E 2015, Delft, The Netherlands, October 13-15, 2015, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9373, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-25012-0
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond
Foto N. Afrati, Jacek Sroka, Jan Hidders: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond, BeyondMR@SIGMOD 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 1, 2016. ACM 2016, ISBN 978-1-4503-4311-4
Relation Between Multiple Intelligences and Game Preferences: an Evidence-Based Approach
Sajjadi, S., Vlieghe, J., & De Troyer, O. (2016). Relation Between Multiple Intelligences and Game Preferences: an Evidence-Based Approach. In T. Connolly, & L. Boyle (Eds.), Proceedings of The 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning. (pp. 565-574). Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.
Relational lattices: From databases to universal algebra
Tadeusz Litak, Szabolcs Mikulás, Jan Hidders: Relational lattices: From databases to universal algebra. J. Log. Algebr. Meth. Program. 85(4): 540-573 (2016)
The efficacy of a serious game aimed at the promotion of positive bystander behavior in cyberbullying among adolescents: examining the role of player experience and player behavior.
Vandebosch, H., Herrewijn, L., Van Cleemput, K., Malliet, S., Bastiaensens, S., Van Broeckhoven, F., ... Poels, K. (2016). The efficacy of a serious game aimed at the promotion of positive bystander behavior in cyberbullying among adolescents: examining the role of player experience and player behavior. Poster session presented at International academic conference on Meaningful Play 2016, East Lansing, Michigan, United States.
Towards Computer-Supported Self-debriefing of a Serious Game Against Cyber Bullying
De Troyer, O., Helalouch, A., & Debruyne, C. (2016). Towards Computer-Supported Self-debriefing of a Serious Game Against Cyber Bullying. In R. Bottino, J. Jeuring, & R. C. Veltkamp (Eds.), Games and Learning Alliance: 5th International Conference, GALA 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands, December 5–7, 2016, Proceedings. (pp. 374-384). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10056). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-50182-6_34
A Dynamically Extensible Open Cross-Document Link Service
Tayeh, A.A.O. and Signer, B.: "A Dynamically Extensible Open Cross-Document Link Service", Proceedings of WISE 2015, 16th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering, Miami, USA, November, 2015
A Declarative Approach for Engineering Multimodal Interaction
Hoste, L.: "A Declarative Approach for Engineering Multimodal Interaction", Dissertation VUB. Brussels, Belgium, June 2015
Large-scale Interaction Deployment: Approaches and Challenges
Altakrouri, B., Schrader, A., Hosio, S., Kindsmüller, M.C. and Signer, B.:"Large-scale Interaction Deployment: Approaches and Challenges", Proceedings of EICS 2015, 7th International Conference on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, Duisburg, Germany, June, 2015
Towards Enhanced Presentation-based Teaching of Programming: An Interactive Source Code Visualisation Approach
Roels, R., Mestereaga, P. and Signer, B.: "Towards Enhanced Presentation-based Teaching of Programming: An Interactive Source Code Visualisation Approach", Proceedings of CSEDU 2015, 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2015
Creating and Consuming Metadata from Transcribed Historical Vital Records for Ingestion in a Long-term Digital Preservation Platform
Dolores Grant, Christophe Debruyne, Rebecca Grant, Sandra Collins: Creating and Consuming Metadata from Transcribed Historical Vital Records for Ingestion in a Long-Term Digital Preservation Platform - (Short Paper). OTM Workshops 2015: 445-450
Driving Innovation Using Big Open Linked Data (BOLD) Panel
Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi, Vishanth Weerakkody, Marijn Janssen, Jeremy Millard, Jan Hidders, Dhoya Snijders, Nripendra P. Rana, Emma L. Slade: Driving Innovation Using Big Open Linked Data (BOLD) Panel. I3E 2015: 3-9
Efficient and scalable trie-based algorithms for computing set containment relations
Yongming Luo, George H. L. Fletcher, Jan Hidders, Paul De Bra: Efficient and scalable trie-based algorithms for computing set containment relations. ICDE 2015: 303-314
iATTAC: A System for Autonomous Agents and Dynamic Social Interactions – The Architecture
Cebolledo, E., & De Troyer, O. (2015). iATTAC: A System for Autonomous Agents and Dynamic Social Interactions–The Architecture. In Serious Games (pp. 135-146). Springer International Publishing.
Mapping between Pedagogical Design Strategies and Serious Game Narratives
Van Broekhoven, F., Vlieghe, J., De Troyer, O. (2015). Mapping between Pedagogical Design Strategies and Serious Game Narrarives. In VS-Games 2015, 7th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (pp.123 - 130). IEEE
Modelling Social Network Interactions in Games
Gutierrez, Edgar Omar Cebolledo, and Olga De Troyer. "Modelling Social Network Interactions in Games". Intelligent Narrative Technologies and Social Believability in Games. Papers from the 2015 AIIDE Joint Workshop. AAAI Technical Report WS-15-22, published by The AAAI Press, Palo Alto, California, pp. 82-88. ISBN 978-1-57735-745-2
On Generating Hierarchical Workflow Nets and their Extensions and Verifying Hierarchicality
Jacek Sroka, Piotr Chrzastowski-Wachtel, Jan Hidders: On Generating Hierarchical Workflow Nets and their Extensions and Verifying Hierarchicality. Fundam. Inform. 141(4): 367-398 (2015)
Recent advances in Scalable Workflow Enactment Engines and Technologies
Jan Hidders, Paolo Missier, Jacek Sroka: Recent advances in Scalable Workflow Enactment Engines and Technologies. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 46: 1-2 (2015)
Revising Web Design to Deal with Current Development Practices
Sajjadi, Pejman, and Olga De Troyer. "Revising Web Design to Deal with Current Development Practices." Proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Australian Computer Science Communications, Volume 37, Number 9, pp. 103-108, 2015
Smart Study: An Educational Platform Combining Pen, Paper, and a Tablet
Van Thienen, D., Sajjadi, P., & De Troyer, O. (2015). Smart Study: Pen and Paper-Based E-Learning. In Smart Education and Smart e-Learning (pp. 93-103), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Vol 41, Springer International Publishing.
Using a Controlled Natural Language for Specifying the Narratives of Serious Games
Van Broeckhoven, F., Vlieghe, J., & De Troyer, O. (2015). Using a Controlled Natural Language for Specifying the Narratives of Serious Games. In Schoenau-Fog, H., Bruni, L.E., Louchart, S., Baceviciute, S. (Eds.) Interactive Storytelling: 8th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 30 - December 4, 2015, Proceedings. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-27036-4_13
MindXpres: An Extensible Content-driven Cross-Media Presentation Platform
Roels, R. and Signer, B.: "MindXpres: An Extensible Content-driven Cross-Media Presentation Platform", Proceedings of WISE 2014, 15th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, October, 2014
Open Cross-Document Linking and Browsing based on a Visual Plug-in Architecture
Tayeh, A.A.O. and Signer, B.: "Open Cross-Document Linking and Browsing based on a Visual Plug-in Architecture", Proceedings of WISE 2014, 15th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, October, 2014
Towards a Conceptual Framework and Metamodel for Context-aware Personal Cross-Media Information Management Systems
Trullemans, S. and Signer, B.: "Towards a Conceptual Framework and Metamodel for Context-Aware Personal Cross-Media Information Management Systems", Proceedings of ER 2014, 33rd International Conference on Conceptual Modelling, Atlanta, USA, October, 2014
From User Needs to Opportunities in Personal Information Management: A Case Study on Organisational Strategies in Cross-Media Information Spaces
Trullemans, S. and Signer, B.: "From User Needs to Opportunities in Personal Information Management: A Case Study on Organisational Strategies in Cross-Media Information Spaces", Proceedings of DL 2014, International Conference on Digital Libraries, London, September 2014
A Unified Communication Platform for Enriching and Enhancing Presentations with Active Learning Components
Roels, R., Vermeylen, C. and Signer, B.: "A Unified Communication Platform for Enriching and Enhancing Presentations with Active Learning Components", Proceedings of ICALT 2014, 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Athens, Greece, July 2014
A Graphical Editor for the SMUIML Multimodal User Interaction Description Language
Dumas, B., Signer, B. and Lalanne, D.: "A Graphical Editor for the SMUIML Multimodal User Interaction Description Language", Science of Computer Programming, 86, June 2014
Engineering Gestures for Multimodal User Interfaces
Echtler, F., Kammer, D., Vanacken, D., Hoste, L. and Signer, B.:"Engineering Gestures for Multimodal User Interfaces", Proceedings of EICS 2014, 6th International Conference on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, Rome, Italy, June, 2014
Advanced Authoring of Paper-Digital Systems: Introducing Templates and Variable Content Elements for Interactive Paper Publishing
Signer, B., Norrie, M.C., Weibel, N. and Ispas, A.: "Advanced Authoring of Paper-Digital Systems: Introducing Templates and Variable Content Elements for Interactive Paper Publishing", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 70(2), May 2014
An Advanced User Interface for Exploring, Analysing and Browsing Digital Artwork Collections
Dumas, B., Moerman, B., Trullemans, S. and Signer, B.: "An Advanced User Interface for Exploring, Analysing and Browsing Digital Artwork Collections", Demo Proceedings of AVI 2014, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Como, Italy, May 2014
ArtVis: Combining Advanced Visualisation and Tangible Interaction for the Exploration, Analysis and Browsing of Digital Artwork Collections
Dumas, B., Moerman, B., Trullemans, S. and Signer, B.: "ArtVis: Combining Advanced Visualisation and Tangible Interaction for the Exploration, Analysis and Browsing of Digital Artwork Collections", Proceedings of AVI 2014, International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Como, Italy, May 2014
Water Ball Z: An Augmented Fighting Game Using Water as Tactile Feedback
Hoste, L. and Signer, B.: "Water Ball Z: An Augmented Fighting Game Using Water as Tactile Feedback", Proceedings of TEI 2014, 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, Munich, Germany, February 2014
A Feature Modeling Approach for Domain-Specific Requirement Elicitation
De Troyer, O., & Janssens, E. (2014, August). A feature modeling approach for domain-specific requirement elicitation. In Requirements Patterns (RePa), 2014 IEEE 4th International Workshop on (pp. 17-24). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/RePa.2014.6894839
A Usability Evaluation of Graphical Modelling Languages for Authoring Adaptive 3D Virtual Learning Environments
Ewais, A., De Troyer, O.: "A Usability Evaluation of Graphical Modelling Languages for Authoring Adaptive 3D Virtual Learning Environments", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2014), pp. 459-466, Barcelona, Spain, published by SciTePress, 2014. DOI. 10.5220/0004947204590466
Authoring Adaptive 3D Virtual Learning Environments
Ewais, A., & De Troyer, O. (2014). Authoring adaptive 3D virtual learning environments. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPLE), 5(1), 1-19.
Criteria, Challenges and Opportunities for Gesture Programming Languages
Hoste, L. and Signer, B.: "Criteria, Challenges and Opportunities for Gesture Programming Languages", Proceedings of EGMI2014, 1st International Workshop on Engineering Gestures for Multimodal Interfaces, Rome, Italy, June, 2014
Dialogue and social behaviour of agents in games
Cebelledo Gutierrez, E.O., De Troyer, O.: "Dialogue and social behaviour of agents in games". In The Computer Games Journal, 3(1), 2014.
Dynamically Adaptive Educational Games: A New Perspective
Sajjadi, P., Van Broeckhoven, F., De Troyer, O.: "Dynamically Adaptive Educational Games: A New Perspective". In Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports, 4th International Conference on Serious Games, GameDays 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8395 (pp. 71-76). Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Maze commander: a collaborative asynchronous game using the oculus rift & the sifteo cubes
Pejman Sajjadi, Edgar Omar Cebolledo Gutierrez, Sandra Trullemans, and Olga De Troyer. 2014. Maze commander: a collaborative asynchronous game using the oculus rift & the sifteo cubes. In Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual symposium on Computer-human interaction in play CHI PLAY '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 227-236. DOI=10.1145/2658537.2658690
On generating ⁎-sound nets with substitution
Jacek Sroka, Jan Hidders: On generating ⁎-sound nets with substitution. Inf. Syst. 40: 32-46 (2014)
Principles of Guarded Structural Indexing
François Picalausa, George H. L. Fletcher, Jan Hidders, Stijn Vansummeren: Principles of Guarded Structural Indexing. ICDT 2014: 245-256
Relational Lattices
Tadeusz Litak, Szabolcs Mikulás, Jan Hidders: Relational Lattices. RAMICS 2014: 327-343
SimBully: A ‘Bullying in Schools’ Simulation
Cebolledo Gutierrez E.O., De Troyer, O. (2014): "SimBully: A ‘Bullying in Schools’ Simulation". In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. Eds. Tiffany Barnes and Ian Bogost. Society for the Advancement of the Science of the Digital Games
Specifying the Pedagogical Aspects of Narrative-Based Digital Learning Games by Using Annotations
Van Broeckhoven, F., De Troyer, O.: "Specifying the Pedagogical Aspects of Narrative-Based Digital Learning Games Using Annotations". In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, Society for the Advancement of the Science of Digital Games, ISBN: 978-0-9913982-2-5
Supporting the requirement analysis phase for the development of serious games for children
De Troyer, O., and Janssens, E. (2014) "Supporting the requirement analysis phase for the development of serious games for children", International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 2(2), 76-84. ISSN 2212-8689,
The Cultural Conceptual Model for Simplifying the Design of Localized Websites
Mushtaha, A., & De Troyer, O. (2014). The Cultural Conceptual Model for Simplifying the Design of Localized Websites. In Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design for Diverse Interaction Platforms and Environments (pp. 158-169). Springer International Publishing.
Using a Method and Tool for Hybrid Ontology Engineering: an Evaluation in the Flemish Research Information Space
Debruyne, C. and De Leenheer, P. "Using a Method and Tool for Hybrid Ontology Engineering: an Evaluation in the Flemish Research Information Space", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 9(2), pp. 48-63, 2014. DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762014000200005
V for Vicissitude: The Challenge of Scaling Complex Big Data Workflows
Bogdan Ghit, Mihai Capota, Tim Hegeman, Jan Hidders, Dick H. J. Epema, Alexandru Iosup: V for Vicissitude: The Challenge of Scaling Complex Big Data Workflows. CCGRID 2014: 927-932
Jan Hidders, Jan Paredaens: XPath/XQuery. Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining 2014: 2425-2432
SpeeG2: A Speech- and Gesture-based Interface for Efficient Controller-free Text Entry
Hoste, L. and Signer, B.: "SpeeG2: A Speech- and Gesture-based Interface for Efficient Controller-free Text Entry", Proceedings of ICMI 2013, 15th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Sydney, Australia, December 2013
An Extensible Presentation Tool for Flexible Human-Information Interaction
Roels, R. and Signer, B.: "An Extensible Presentation Tool for Flexible Human-Information Interaction", Demo Proceedings of the 27th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCI 2013), London, United Kingdom, September 2013
Design Guidelines for Adaptive Multimodal Mobile Input Solutions
Dumas, B., Solórzano, M. and Signer, B.: "Design Guidelines for Adaptive Multimodal Mobile Input Solutions", Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2013), Munich, Germany, August 2013
Expressive Control of Indirect Augmented Reality During Live Music Performances
Hoste, L. and Signer, B.: "Expressive Control of Indirect Augmented Reality During Live Music Performances", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Daejeon (NIME 2013), Korea Republic, May 2013
Declarative Gesture Spotting Using Inferred and Refined Control Points
Hoste, L., De Rooms, B. and Signer, B.: "Declarative Gesture Spotting Using Inferred and Refined Control Points", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2013), Barcelona, Spain, February 2013
A graphical user interface for SILK data link discovery framework
Rina Singh, Jan Hidders, Feng Xia, Jialiang Kang: A graphical user interface for SILK data link discovery framework. OpenSym 2013: 24:1-24:2
ATTAC-L: A Modeling Language for Educational Virtual Scenarios in the Context of Preventing Cyber Bullying
Van Broeckhoven, F., De Troyer, O.: “ATTAC-L: A Modeling Language for Educational Virtual Scenarios in the Context of Preventing Cyber Bullying”, Proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Heath (2013).
Authoring Storyline-based Adaptive 3D Virtual Learning Environments
Ewais, A., De Troyer, O.: “Authoring Storyline-based Adaptive 3D Virtual Learning Environments”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2013), , pp. 15-24, Aachen, Germany, published by SciTePress, 2013.
Bisimulation Reduction of Big Graphs on MapReduce
Yongming Luo, Yannick de Lange, George H. L. Fletcher, Paul De Bra, Jan Hidders, Yuqing Wu: Bisimulation Reduction of Big Graphs on MapReduce. BNCOD 2013: 189-203
Evaluation of Attention Levels in a Tetris Game Using a Brain Computer Interface
Patsis, G., Sahli, H., Verhelst, W., De Troyer, O.: “Evaluation of Attention Levels in a Tetris Game Using a Brain Computer Interface”, In User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (pp. 127-138). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
External memory K-bisimulation reduction of big graph
Yongming Luo, George H. L. Fletcher, Jan Hidders, Yuqing Wu, Paul De Bra: External memory K-bisimulation reduction of big graphs. CIKM 2013: 919-928
How to Kick Off the Development Process of a Serious Game?
De Troyer, O., Janssens, E., VandeBosch, H.: “How to Kick Off the Development Process of a Serious Game?”, CHI workshop: Let’s talk about Failures: Why was the Game for Children not a Success?, 2013.
Jan Hidders, Paolo Missier, Jacek Sroka, Jan Van den Bussche: Preface. Fundam. Inform. 128(3) (2013)
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Scalable Workflow Execution Engines and Technologies, SWEET@SIGMOD 2013
Jan Hidders, Paolo Missier, Jacek Sroka: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Scalable Workflow Execution Engines and Technologies, SWEET@SIGMOD 2013, New York, New York, USA, June 23, 2013. ACM 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2349-9
Regularities and dynamics in bisimulation reductions of big graphs
Yongming Luo, George H. L. Fletcher, Jan Hidders, Paul De Bra, Yuqing Wu: Regularities and dynamics in bisimulation reductions of big graphs. GRADES 2013: 13
Report from the second workshop on scalable workflow enactment engines and technology (SWEET'13)
Jacek Sroka, Jan Hidders, Paolo Missier: Report from the second workshop on scalable workflow enactment engines and technology (SWEET'13). SIGMOD Record 42(4): 73-77 (2013)
Representing MapReduce Optimisations in the Nested Relational Calculus
Marek Grabowski, Jan Hidders, Jacek Sroka: Representing MapReduce Optimisations in the Nested Relational Calculus. BNCOD 2013: 175-188
The BTWorld use case for big data analytics: Description, MapReduce logical workflow, and empirical evaluation
Tim Hegeman, Bogdan Ghit, Mihai Capota, Jan Hidders, Dick H. J. Epema, Alexandru Iosup: The BTWorld use case for big data analytics: Description, MapReduce logical workflow, and empirical evaluation. BigData Conference 2013: 622-630
Usability Evaluation of an Adaptive 3D Virtual Learning Environment
Ewais, A., De Troyer, O, "Usability Evaluation of an Adaptive 3D Virtual Learning Environment ". International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPLE), 4(1), 16-31.
Fusion in Multimodal Interactive Systems: An HMM-based Algorithm for User-Induced Adaptation
Dumas, B., Signer, B. and Lalanne, D.: "Fusion in Multimodal Interactive Systems: An HMM-Based Algorithm for User Induced Adaptation", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2012), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2012
SpeeG: A Multimodal Speech- and Gesture-based Text Input Solution
Hoste, L., Dumas, B. and Signer, B.: "SpeeG: A Multimodal Speech- and Gesture-based Text Input Solution", Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2012), Capri Island, Italy, May 2012
ViDaX: An Interactive Semantic Data Visualisation and Exploration Tool
Dumas, B., Broché, T., Hoste L. and Signer, B.: "ViDaX: An Interactive Semantic Data Visualisation and Exploration Tool", Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2012) (Poster), Capri Island, Italy, May 2012
A Pyramid of Cultural Markers for Guiding Cultural-centered Localized Website Design
Mushtaha, A., De Troyer, O.: “A pyramid of cultural markers for guiding cultural-centered localized website design”, Proceedings Cultural Attitudes Towards Communication and Technology 2012, pp. 84-100, Denmark (2012).
Modelling and managing variability with feature assembly: an experience report
Lamia Abo Zaid and Olga De Troyer. 2012. Modelling and managing variability with feature assembly: an experience report. In Proceedings of the Second Edition of the International Workshop on Experiences and Empirical Studies in Software Modelling (EESSMod '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 9 , 7 pages. DOI=10.1145/2424563.2424575
Mudra: A Unified Multimodal Interaction Framework
Hoste, L., Dumas, B. and Signer, B.: "Mudra: A Unified Multimodal Interaction Framework", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2011), Alicante, Spain, November 2011
A Graphical UIDL Editor for Multimodal Interaction Design Based on SMUIML
Dumas, B., Signer, B. and Lalanne, D.: "A Graphical UIDL Editor for Multimodal Interaction Design Based on SMUIML", Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Support for User Interface Description Language (UIDL 2011), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2011
An Extensible Digital Ink Segmentation and Classification Framework for Natural Notetaking
Ispas, A., Signer, B. and Norrie M.C.: "An Extensible Digital Ink Segmentation and Classification Framework for Natural Notetaking", Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2011), Pisa, Italy, June 2011
A Model and Architecture for Open Cross-Media Annotation and Link Services
Signer, B. and Norrie, M.C.: "A Model and Architecture for Open Cross-Media Annotation and Link Services", Information Systems 36(3), Elsevier, May 2011
Efficient Mobile Querying of Distributed RDF Sources
Paret, E., Van Woensel, W., Casteleyn, S., Signer, B., De Troyer, O.: Efficient Mobile Querying of Distributed RDF Sources. In: Antoniou, G., Grobelnik, M., Simperl, E.P.B., Parsia, B., Plexousakis, D., De Leenheer, P., and Pan, J.Z. (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference (Poster). Springer-Verlag, Heraklion, Greece (2011).
Efficient Querying of Distributed RDF Sources in Mobile Settings based on a Source Index Model
Paret, E., Van Woensel, W., Casteleyn, S., Signer, B., De Troyer, O.: Efficient Querying of Distributed RDF Sources in Mobile Settings based on a Source Index Model. In: Shakshuki, E. and Younas, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems. pp. 554–561. Elsevier, Procedia Computer Science, Niagara Falls, Canada, 2011
PaperSketch: A Paper-Digital Collaborative Remote Sketching Tool
Weibel, N., Signer, B., Norrie, M.C., Hofstetter, H., Jetter, H.-C. and Reiterer, H.: "PaperSketch: A Paper-Digital Collaborative Remote Sketching Tool", Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2011), Palo Alto, USA, February 2011
Midas: A Declarative Multi-Touch Interaction Framework
Scholiers, C., Hoste, L., Signer, B. and De Meuter, W.: "Midas: A Declarative Multi-Touch Interaction Framework", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI 2011), Funchal, Portugal, January 2011
A Generic Approach for On-The-Fly Adding of Context-aware Features to Existing Websites
Van Woensel, W., Casteleyn, S., De Troyer, O.: A Generic Approach for On-The-Fly Adding of Context-Aware Features to Existing Websites. In: De Bra, P. and Grønbaek, K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia. pp. 143–152. ACM, Eindhoven, Netherlands (2011).
Advances in Conceptual Modeling, Recent Developments and New Directions, ER 2011 Workshop Proceedings
Advances in Conceptual Modeling, Recent Developments and New Directions, ER 2011 Workshop Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6999, eds. De Troyer O., Bauzer Medeiros, C., Billen, R. , Hallot, P., Simitsis A., Van Mingroot, H., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-24573-2
Challenges in Designing Domain-Specific Modeling Language for Educational Games
De Troyer, O. and Paret, E.: "Challenges in Designing Domain-Specific Modeling Languages for Educational Games", Proceedings of the International workshop on Involving End Users and Domain Experts in the Design of Educational Games (DEG 2011), Torre Canne (Brindisi), Italy
Feature Assembly Framework: Towards Scalable and Reusable Feature Models
Abo Zaid, L., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O.: Feature Assembly Framework: Towards Scalable and Reusable Feature Models, Fifth International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VAMOS 2011), Namur, Belgium, January 2011
Feature Modeling Tools: Evaluation and Lessons Learned
El Dammagh M., De Troyer O.: Feature Modeling Tools: Evaluation and Lessons Learned. In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Advances in Conceptual Modeling: Recent Developments and New Directions (ER'11), Variability Workshop on Software Variability Management (Variability@ER11), Vol. 6999 : pp.120-129, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-24573-2, Nov. 2011
Mobile Querying of Online Semantic Web Data for Context-Aware Applications
Van Woensel, W., Casteleyn, S., Paret, E., De Troyer, O.: Mobile Querying of Online Semantic Web Data for Context-Aware Applications. IEEE Internet Comput. Spec. Issue (Semantics Locat. Serv.) 15, 32–39 (2011).
Software Business, Second International Conference, ICSOB 2011, Brussels, Belgium, June 2011 - Proceedings
Software Business, Second International Conference, ICSOB 2011, Brussels, Belgium, June 2011 - Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing LNBIP 80, eds: B. Regnell, I. van de Weerd, O. De Troyer, published by: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN-ISSN: 978-3-642-21543-8
Towards Modeling Data Variability in Software Product Lines
Abo Zaid, L., De Troyer, O.: Towards Modeling Data Variability in Software Product Lines, T. Halpin et al. (Eds.): BPMDS 2011 and EMMSAD 2011, LNBIP 81, pp. 453--467. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
Transparent Mobile Querying of online RDF sources using Semantic Indexing and Caching
Van Woensel, W., Casteleyn, S., Paret, E., De Troyer, O.: Transparent Mobile Querying of Online RDF sources using Semantic Indexing and Caching. In: Bouguettaya, A., Hauswirth, M., and Liu, L. (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering. pp. 185–198. Springer-Verlag, Sydney, Australia (2011).
What is Wrong with Digital Documents? A Conceptual Model for Structural Cross-Media Content Composition and Reuse
Signer, B.: "What is Wrong with Digital Documents? A Conceptual Model for Structural Cross-Media Content Composition and Reuse", Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2010), Vancouver, Canada, November 2010
Paper-Digital Meeting Support and Review
Ispas, A., Li, N., Norrie, M.C. and Signer, B.: "Paper-Digital Meeting Support and Review", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom 2010), Chicago, USA, October 2010
A Study of Incidental Notetaking to Inform Digital Pen and Paper Solutions
Ispas, A., Signer, B. and Norrie, M.C.: "A Study of Incidental Notetaking to Inform Digital Pen and Paper Solutions", Proceedings of the 24th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCI 2010), Dundee, United Kingdom, September 2010
Interactive Paper: Past, Present and Future
Signer, B. and Norrie, M.C.: "Interactive Paper: Past, Present and Future", Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Paper Computing (PaperComp 2010), Copenhagen Denmark, September 2010
Software Engineering Abstractions for the Multi-Touch Revolution
Hoste L.: "Software Engineering Abstractions for the Multi-touch Revolution", Proceedings of ICSE 2010, 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, Microsoft Student Research Competition, Cape Town, South Africa, 2010
An Approach Facilitating 3D/VR System Development Using Behavior Design Patterns
Pellens, B., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O.: "An Approach Facilitating 3D/VR System Development Using Behavior Design Patterns", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems, pp. 17-24, Eds. Marc Erich Latoschik, Dirk Reiners, Roland Blach, Pablo Figueroa and Raimund Dachselt, Publ. Shaker Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8322-8989-8, Boston, USA (2010)
Applying Semantic Web technology in a Mobile Setting: the Person Matcher
Van Woensel, W., Casteleyn, S., De Troyer, O.: Applying Semantic Web Technology in a Mobile Setting: The Person Matcher. In: Benatallah, B., Casati, F., Kappel, G., and Rossi, G. (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Engineering. pp. 506–509. Springer-Verlag, Vienna, Austria (2010).
Assisting Mobile Web Users: Client-Side Injection of Context-Sensitive Cues into Websites
Casteleyn, S., Van Woensel, W., De Troyer, O.: Assisting Mobile Web Users: Client-Side Injection of Context-Sensitive Cues into Websites. In: Kotsis, G., Taniar, D., Pardede, E., Saleh, I., and Khalil, I. (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services. pp. 443–450. ACM, Paris, France (2010).
CoDePA Studio: Adding Explicit Support for Behavior Variants in Authoring Games
Pellens, B., De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F.: "CoDePA Studio: Adding Explicit Support for Behavior Variants in Authoring Games", Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology (CGAT 2010), pp. 151-158, Eds. Edmond Prakash, Publ. APTF, ISBN 978-981-08-5479-9 , Singapore, Singapore (2010)
Constraints in RDF
Waseem Akhtar, Álvaro Cortés-Calabuig, Jan Paredaens; Constraints in RDF. Proceedings 4th International Workshop on Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases July 5, 2010, Bordeaux, France. (2010)
Enhancing Virtual Learning Environments with Adaptivity: Lessons Learned
DE TROYER OLGA, KLEINERMANN FREDERIC, EWAIS AHMED, "Enhancing Virtual Learning Environments with Adaptivity: Lessons Learned ", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, issue HCI in Work and Learning, Life and Leisure, vol.6389, pp.244 - 265, eds. Leitner, G., Hitz, M., Holzinger, A., published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Feature Assembly Modelling: A New Technique for Modelling Variable Software
Abo Zaid, L., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O.: "FEATURE ASSEMBLY MODELLING A New Technique for Modelling Variable Software", 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies Proceedings, Volume: 1, pp. pp: 29 - 35, Eds. José Cordeiro Maria Virvou Boris Shishkov, Publ. SciTePress, ISBN 978-989-8425-22-5, Athens, Greece (2010)
Feature Assembly: A New Feature Modeling Technique
Abo Zaid, L., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O.: "Feature Assembly: A New Feature Modeling Technique", 29th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling , pp. 233-246, Publ. springer verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-16372-2, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2010) (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16373-9_17 )
Web Mashup Makers for Casual Users: A User Experiment
Al Sarraj. W., De Troyer, O.: "Web Mashup Makers for Casual Users: A User Experiment", 12th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2010), ISBN 978-1-4503-0421-4, Paris, France (2010)
Collaborative Ad-hoc Information Sharing in Cross-Media Information Environments
Signer, B., de Spindler, A. and Norrie, M.C.: "Collaborative Ad-hoc Information Sharing in Cross-Media Information Environments", Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2009), Vilamoura, Portugal, November 2009
Defining the Semantics of Conceptual Modeling Concepts for 3D Complex Objects in Virtual Reality
De Troyer, O., Bille, W., Kleinermann, F.: "Defining the Semantics of Conceptual Modeling Concepts for 3D Complex Objects in Virtual Reality", Journal on Data Semantics XIV, LNCS 5880, pp. 1-36, Eds. S. Spaccapietra, L. Delcambre, Publ. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2009)
From Static Methods to Role-Driven Service Invocation - A Metamodel for Active Content in Object Databases
Leone, S., Norrie, M.C., Signer, B. and de Spindler, A.: "From Static Methods to Role-Driven Service Invocation - A Metamodel for Active Content in Object Databases", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2009), Gramado, Brazil, November 2009
An Architecture for Open Cross-Media Annotation Services
Signer, B. and Norrie, M.C.: "An Architecture for Open Cross-Media Annotation Services", Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2009), Poznan, Poland, October 2009
A Framework for Link Sharing in Cooperative Cross-Media Information Spaces
Signer, B., de Spindler, A. and Norrie, M.C,: "A Framework for Link Sharing in Cooperative Cross-Media Information Spaces", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cooperative Design (CDVE 2009), Visualization and Engineering, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, September 2009
A Peer-to-Peer-based Distributed Link Service Architecture
Signer, B., de Spindler, A. and Norrie, M.C.: "A Peer-to-Peer-based Distributed Link Service Architecture", Technical Report ETH Zurich, TR636, August 2009
Active Components as a Method for Coupling Data and Services - A Database-Driven Application Development Process
Signer, B. and Norrie, M.C.: "Active Components as a Method for Coupling Data and Services - A Database-Driven Application Development Process", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Object Databases (ICOODB 2009), Zurich, Switzerland, July 2009
A Development Environment using Behavior Patterns to Facilitate Building 3D/VR Applications
Pellens, B., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O.: "A Development Environment using Behavior Patterns to Facilitate Building 3D/VR Applications", In Proceedings of the 6th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment, Publ. ACM, ISBN 978-1-4503-0010-0, Sydney, Australia (2009)
A Framework for Decentralized, Context-Aware Mobile Applications Using Semantic Web technology
Van Woensel, W., Casteleyn, S., Troyer, O.: A Framework for Decentralized, Context-Aware Mobile Applications Using Semantic Web Technology. In: Meersman, R., Herrero, P., and Dillon, T.S. (eds.) Proceedings of the Confederated International Workshops and Posters on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. pp. 88–97. Springer-Verlag, Villamoura, Portugal (2009).
Applying Semantic Web Technology to Feature Modeling
Abo Zaid, L., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O.: Applying Semantic Web Technology to Feature Modeling. In: The 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, The Semantic Web and Applications (SWA) Track, March 2009.
Aspect-Oriented Adaptation Specification in Web Information Systems: a Semantics-based Approach
Casteleyn, S., Van Woensel, W., van der Sluijs, K., Houben, G.-J.: Aspect-Oriented Adaptation Specification in Web Information Systems: A Semantics-based Approach. New Rev. Hypermedia Multimed. 15, 39–71 (2009).
Cross-culture and website design: cultural movements and settled cultural variables
Mushtaha, A. , De Troyer, O.: "Cross-culture and website design: cultural movements and settled cultural variables", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 69-78, Publ. Springer, Volume 5623/2009, ISBN 978-3-642-02766-6, San Diego, USA (2009)
Detecting inconsistencies in the design of virtual environments over the web using domain specific rules
Mansouri, H., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O.: "Detecting inconsistencies in the design of virtual environments over the web using domain specific rules", In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, pp. 101-109, Eds. Stephen N. Spencer, Publ. ACM, ISBN 978-1-60558-432-4, Darmstadt, Germany (2009)
Engineering Web Applications (Data-Centric Systems and Applications)
Casteleyn, S., Daniel, F., Dolog, P., Matera, M.: "Engineering Web Applications (Data-Centric Systems and Applications)", pp. 362, Publ. Springer; 1st Edition (August 1, 2009), ISBN 978-3540922001 (2009)
Personalizing the Interface in Rich Internet Applications
Garrigós, I., Meliá, S., Casteleyn, S.: "Personalizing the Interface in Rich Internet Applications", Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2009, pp. 365-378, Eds. Darrell Long, Gottfried Vossen, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Publ. Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-04408-3, Poznan, Poland (2009)
Requirements gathering in a model-based approach for the design of multi-similarity systems
Pérez, M., Casteleyn, S., Sanz, I., Aramburu, M.J.: "Requirements gathering in a model-based approach for the design of multi-similarity systems", Proceeding of the first international workshop on Model driven service engineering and data quality and security, pp. 45-52, Publ. ACM Press, ISBN 978-1-60558-816-2, Hong Kong, China (2009)
SCOUT: A Framework for Personalized Context-Aware Mobile Applications
Van Woensel, W., Casteleyn, S., De Troyer, O.: SCOUT: A Framework for Personalized Context-Aware Mobile Applications. In: Rossi, G. (ed.) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Engineering (Doctoral Consortium). CEUR-WS, San Sebastian, Spain (2009).
Supporting Virtual Reality in an Adaptive Web-based Learning Environment
De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F., Pellens, B., Ewais, A.: "Supporting Virtual Reality in an Adaptive Web-based Learning Environment", Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), LNCS 5794, pp. 627-632, Eds. Cress. U. et al, Publ. Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-04635-3, Nice, France (2009)
Usability Framework for Web Mashup Makers for Casual User
Al Sarraj. W., De Troyer, O.: "Usability Framework for Web Mashup Makers for Casual User", Proceedings of the ICWE 2009 Doctoral Consortium, Eds. Gustavo Rossi and Jon Iturrioz, Publ. CEUR-WS, ISBN 1613-0073, San Sebastian, Spain
Visual Generative Behavior Patterns to Facilitate Game Development
Pellens, B., De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F.: "Visual Generative Behavior Patterns to Facilitate Game Development", Proceedings of the International FuturePlay Conference, pp. 13-14, ISBN 978-1-60558-685-4, Vancouver, Canada (2009)
An Extensible Framework for Personal Cross-Media Information Management
Ispas, A., Signer, B. and Norrie M.C.: "An Extensible Framework for Personal Cross-Media Information Management", Proceedings of Workshop on Cross-Media Information Analysis, Extraction and Management, Koblenz, Germany, December 2008
A Framework for Developing Pervasive Cross-Media Applications based on Physical Hypermedia and Active Components
Signer, B. and Norrie, M.C.: "A Framework for Developing Pervasive Cross-Media Applications based on Physical Hypermedia and Active Components", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications (ICPCA 2008), Alexandria, Egypt, October 2008
Interactive Paper as a Reading Medium in Digital Libraries
Norrie, M.C., Signer, B. and Weibel, N.: "Interactive Paper as a Reading Medium in Digital Libraries", Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2008), Aarhus, Denmark, September 2008
Pen and Paper-based Interaction with the Semantic Desktop
Liwicki, M., Schumacher, K., Dengel, A., Weibel, N., Signer, N. and Norrie, M.C.: "Pen and Paper-based Interaction with the Semantic Desktop", Proceedings of the 8th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2008), Nara, Japan, September 2008
Semantic eInk – Pen and Paper-based Interaction with the Semantic Desktop
Liwicki,M., Schumacher, K., Dengel, A., Weibel, N., Signer, B. and Norrie, M.C.: "Semantic eInk – Pen and Paper-based Interaction with the Semantic Desktop", Demo Proceedings of the 8th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2008), Nara, Japan, September 2008
Papier als interaktives mobiles Medium
Signer, B.: "Papier als interaktives mobiles Medium", E-Learning Dossier 03/2008, June 2008
PaperProof: A Paper-Digital Proof-Editing System
Weibel, N., Ispas, A., Signer, B. and Norrie, M.C.: "PaperProof: A Paper-Digital Proof-Editing System", Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008) (Interactivity Track), Florence, Italy, April 2008
A survey on web modeling approaches for ubiquitous web applications
Schwinger, W., Retschitzegger, W., Schauerhuber, A., Kappel, G., Wimmer, M., Proll, B., Cachero, C., Casteleyn, S., De Troyer, O., Fraternali, P., Garrigós, I., Garzotto, F., Ginige, A., Houben, G.J., Koch, N., Moreno, N., Pastor, O., Paolini, P., Ferragud, V.P., Rossi, G., Schwabe, D., Tisi, M., Vallecillo, A., van der Sluijs, K., Zhang, G.: "A survey on web modeling approaches for ubiquitous web applications", International Journal of Web Information Systems, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 234-305, Eds. David Taniar
Achieving Efficient Access to Large Integrated Sets of Semantic Data in Web Applications
Bellekens, P., Van Der Sluijs, K., Van Woensel, W., Casteleyn, S., Houben, G.-J.: Achieving Efficient Access to Large Integrated Sets of Semantic Data in Web Applications. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Engineering. pp. 52–64. IEEE Computer Society, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA (2008).
An OWL- Based Approach for Integration in Collaborative Feature Modelling
Abo Zaid, L., Houben, G-J., De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F.: An OWL- Based Approach for Integration in Collaborative Feature Modelling. 4th Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering - SWESE2008
Audience-Driven Design Approach for Web Systems
De Troyer, O.: "Audience-Driven Design Approach for Web Systems", Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition, pp. 274-278, Eds. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Publ. Information Science Reference, ISBN 978-1-60566-026-4 (2008)
CoDePA: A Conceptual Design Patterns Approach to model Behavior for X3D Worlds
Pellens, B., De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F.: "CoDePA: A Conceptual Design Patterns Approach to model Behavior for X3D Worlds", Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on 3D Web Technology (Web3D 2008), pp. 91-99, Publ. ACM Press, ISBN 978-1-60558-213-9, Los Angeles, USA (2008)
Globalization, localization of websites - GLOWS: An approach for generating different cultural-centered web designs
Mushtaha, A. , De Troyer, O.: "Globalization, localization of websites - GLOWS: An approach for generating different cultural-centered web designs", Seminar on Logic and Computation, Oostduinkerke, Belgium (2008)
Integrating V-Model Into The Web Development Process
Tolba, R., Mushtaha, A. : "Integrating V-Model Into The Web Development Process", International Arab Conference on e-Technology - IACeT, Amman, Jordan (2008)
PowerPoint Multimedia Presentations in Computer Science Education: What do Users Need?
Reuss, E.I., Signer, B. and Norrie, M.C.: "PowerPoint Multimedia Presentations in Computer Science Education: What do Users Need?", Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Usability & HCI for Education and Work (USAB 2008), Graz, Austria, November 2008
Semantic-Based Framework for Personalised Ambient Media
Aroyo, L., Bellekens, P., Bjorkman, M., Houben, G.J.: "Semantic-Based Framework for Personalised Ambient Media", Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp. 71-87, Publ. Springer (2008)
Context-Aware Platform for Mobile Data Management
Norrie, M.C., Signer, B., Grossniklaus, M., Belotti, R., Decurtins, C. and Weibel, N.: "Context-Aware Platform for Mobile Data Management", Wireless Networks (WINET), Vol. 13, No. 6, Springer, December 2007
Interactive Paper as a Mobile Client for a Multi-Channel Web Information System
Signer, B., Grossniklaus, M. and Norrie, M.C.: "Interactive Paper as a Mobile Client for a Multi-Channel Web Information System", World Wide Web Journal (WWW), Vol. 10, No. 4, Springer, December 2007
Towards Query by Sketch
Springmann, M., Ispas, A., Schuldt, H., Norrie, M.C. and Signer, B.: "Towards Query by Sketch", Second DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries, Pisa, Italy, December 2007
As We May Link: A General Metamodel for Hypermedia Systems
Signer, B. and Norrie, M.C.: "As We May Link: A General Metamodel for Hypermedia Systems", Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2007), Auckland, New Zealand, November 2007
PaperProof: A Paper-Digital Proof-Editing System
Weibel, N., Signer, B., Ponti, P. and Norrie, M.C.: "PaperProof: A Paper-Digital Proof-Editing System", Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Collaborating over Paper and Digital Documents (CoPADD 2007), London, UK, November 2007
Producing Interactive Paper Documents based on Multi-Channel Content Publishing
Grossniklaus, M., Norrie, M.C., Signer, B. and Weibel, N.: "Producing Interactive Paper Documents based on Multi-Channel Content Publishing", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution (AXMEDIS 2007), Barcelona, Spain, November 2007
iGesture: A General Gesture Recognition Framework
Signer, B., Kurmann, U. and Norrie. M.C.: "iGesture: A General Gesture Recognition Framework", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2007), Curitiba, Brazil, September 2007
iGesture: A Java Framework for the Development and Deployment of Stroke-Based Online Gesture Recognition Algorithms
Signer, B., Norrie, M.C. and Kurmann, U.: "iGesture: A Java Framework for the Development and Deployment of Stroke-Based Online Gesture Recognition Algorithms", Technical Report ETH Zurich, TR561, September 2007
A Model for Mapping between Printed and Digital Document Instances
Weibel, N., Norrie, M.C. and Signer, B.: "A Model for Mapping between Printed and Digital Document Instances", Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2007), Winnipeg, Canada, August 2007
DelosDLMS - the Integrated DELOS Digital Library Management System
Agosti, M., Beretti, S., Brettlecker, G., del Bimbo, A., Ferro, N., Fuhr, N., Keim, D., Klas, C.-P., Lidy, T., Norrie, M.C., Ranaldi, P., Rauber, A., Schek, H.-J., Schreck, T., Schuldt, H., Signer, B. and Springmann, M.: "DelosDLMS - the Integrated DELOS Digital Library Management System", DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries, Pisa, Italy, February 2007
PaperPoint: A Paper-Based Presentation and Interactive Paper Prototyping Tool
Signer, B. and Norrie, M.C.: "PaperPoint: A Paper-Based Presentation and Interactive Paper Prototyping Tool", Proceedings of the First International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI 2007), Baton Rouge, USA, February 2007
Augmented Paper: Developing Relationships between Digital Content and Paper
Luff, P., Adams, G., Bock, W., Drazin, A., Frohlich, D.M., Heath, C., Herdman, P., King, H., Linketscher, N., Murphy, R., Norrie, M.C., Sellen, A., Signer, B., Tallyn, E. and Zeller, E.: "Augmented Paper: Developing Relationships between Digital Content and Paper", The Disappearing Computer: Interaction Design, System Infrastructures and Applications for Smart Environments, LNCS 4500, 2007
A Semantics-based Aspect-Oriented Approach to Adaptation in Web Engineering
Casteleyn, S., Van Woensel, W., Houben, G.-J.: A Semantics-Based Aspect-Oriented Approach to Adaptation in Web Engineering. Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia. pp. 189–198. ACM, Manchester, UK (2007).
Adding semantic annotations, Navigation paths and Tour Guides for Existing Virtual Environments
Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O., Creelle, C., Pellens, B.: "Adding semantic annotations, Navigation paths and Tour Guides for Existing Virtual Environments", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp. 50-62, Publ. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-0-9775978-1-9, Brisbane, Australia (2007)
Conceptual Modeling for Virtual Reality
De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F., Pellens, B., Bille, W.: "Conceptual Modeling for Virtual Reality", In Tutorials, Posters, Panels, and Industrial Contributions of the 26th international Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 07), Publ. CRPIT, Auckland, New Zealand (2007
Cross-cultural understanding of content and interface in the context of e-learning systems
Mushtaha, A. , De Troyer, O.: "Cross-cultural understanding of content and interface in the context of e-learning systems", Usability and Internationalization. HCI and Culture, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4559/2007, pp. 164-173, Eds. Nuray M. Aykin, Publ. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-73286-0 (2007)
Cross: An OWL Wrapper for Reasoning on Relational Databases
Champin, P.A., Houben, G.J., Thiran, Ph.: "Cross: An OWL Wrapper for Reasoning on Relational Databases", ER2007, 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, pp. 502-517, Publ. Springer LNCS 4801, ISBN 1445-1336, Auckland, New Zealand (2007)
Developing semantic VR-shops for e-Commerce
De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F., Mansouri, H., Pellens, B., Bille, W., Fomenko, V.: "Developing semantic VR-shops for e-Commerce", Special Issue of VIRTUAL REALITY: "Virtual Reality in the e-Society", Vol. 11, pp. 89-106, Eds. G. D. Magoulas, G. Lepouras, C. Vassilakis, Publ. Springer London, ISBN 1359-4338 (2007)
Engineering Semantic-based Interactive Multi-device Web Applications
Bellekens, P., van der Sluijs, K., Aroyo, L., Houben, G.J.: "Engineering Semantic-based Interactive Multi-device Web Applications", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2007, pp. 328-342, Publ. Springer LNCS 4607, Como, Italy (2007)
Houben, G.J., van der Sluijs, K., Barna,P., Broekstra, J., Casteleyn, S., Fiala, Z., Frasincar, F.: "Hera", bookchapter in Web Engineering: Modelling and Implementing Web Applications, Human-Computer Interaction Series Vol. 12, pp. 263-302, Eds. Gustavo Rossi, Oscar Pastor, Daniel Schwabe, Louis Olsina, Publ. Springer, ISBN 978-1-84628-922-4 (2007)
Providing Context-Aware Personalization through Cross-Context Reasoning of User Modeling Data
Berkovsky, S., Aroyo, L., Heckmann, D., Houben, G.J., Kroner, A., Kuflik, T., Ricci, F.: "Providing Context-Aware Personalization through Cross-Context Reasoning of User Modeling Data", UBIDEUM 2007, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ubiquitous and Decentralized User Modeling, workshop at UM 2007, 11th International Conference on User Modeling, pp. 2-7, Publ. User Modeling Inc. (2007)
Rule-based Adaptation of Web Information Systems
De Virgilio, R., Torlone, R., Houben, G.J.: "Rule-based Adaptation of Web Information Systems", WWW Journal, Publ. Springer Netherlands (2007)
Semantic-based Framework for Personalised Ambient Media
Aroyo, L., Bellekens, P., Bjorkman, M., Houben, G.J.: "Semantic-based Framework for Personalised Ambient Media", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Publ. Springer (2007)
Semantics-Based Framework for Personalized Access to TV Content: The iFanzy Use Case
Bellekens, P., Aroyo, L., Houben, G.J., Kaptein, K., van der Sluijs, K.: "Semantics-Based Framework for Personalized Access to TV Content: The iFanzy Use Case ", The Semantic Web, 6th International Semantic Web Conference, 2nd Asian Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2007 + ASWC 2007, pp. 887-894, Publ. Springer LNCS 4825, Busan, Korea (2007)
SenSee Framework for Personalized Access to TV Content", Interactive TV: a Shared Experience
Aroyo, L., Bellekens, P., Bjorkman, M., Houben, G.J., Akkermans, P., Kaptein, K.: "SenSee Framework for Personalized Access to TV Content", Interactive TV: a Shared Experience, 5th European Conference EuroITV 2007, pp. 156-165, Publ. Springer LNCS 4471, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2007)
Specification, Authoring and Prototyping of Personalised Workplace Learning Solutions
Dolog, P., Kravcik, M., Burgos, D., De Bra, P., Ceri, S., Devedzic, V., Houben, G.J., Libbrecht, P., Matera, M., Melis, E., Nejdl, W., Specht, M., Stewart, C., Smits, D., Stash, N., Tattersall, C.: "Specification, Authoring and Prototyping of Personalised Workplace Learning Solutions", International Journal of Learning Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 286-308, Publ. Inderscience (2007)
Understanding Ontology Evolution: A Change Detection Approach
Plessers, P., De Troyer, O., Casteleyn, S.: "Understanding Ontology Evolution: A Change Detection Approach", Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 39-49, Publ. Elsevier (2007)
Using Semantic Annotations for Customizing Navigation Paths and Virtual Tour Guides for Virtual Environments
Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O., Creelle, C., Pellens, B.: "Using Semantic Annotations for Customizing Navigation Paths and Virtual Tour Guides for Virtual Environments", Proceedings of the 4th INTUITION International Conference on Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments, pp. 189-197, Publ. INTUITION, ISBN 978-960-254-665-9, Athens, Greece (2007)
WSDM: Web Semantics Design Method
De Troyer, O., Casteleyn, S., Plessers, P.: "WSDM: Web Semantics Design Method", bookchapter in Web Engineering: Modelling and Implementing Web Applications, Human-Computer Interaction Series Vol. 12, pp. 303-352, Eds. Gustavo Rossi, Oscar Pastor, Daniel Schwabe, Louis Olsina, Publ. Springer, ISBN 978-1-84628-922-4 (2007)
Putting Location-Based Services on the Map
Grossniklaus, M., Norrie, M.C., Signer, B. and Weibel, N.: "Putting Location-Based Services on the Map", Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2006), Hong Kong, China, December 2006
General Framework for the Rapid Development of Interactive Paper Applications
Norrie, M.C., Signer, B. and Weibel, N.: "General Framework for the Rapid Development of Interactive Paper Applications", Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Collaborating over Paper and Digital Documents (CoPADD 2006), Banff, Canada, November 2006
Print-n-Link: Weaving the Paper Web
Norrie, M.C., Signer, B. and Weibel, N.: "Print-n-Link: Weaving the Paper Web", Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2006), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2006
Paper-Based Mobile Access to Databases
Signer, B., Norrie, M.C., Grossniklaus, M., Belotti, R. Decurtins, C. and Weibel, N.: "Paper-Based Mobile Access to Databases", Demo Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2006), Chicago, USA, June 2006
Spatio-Temporal Proximity as a Basis for Collaborative Filtering in Mobile Environments
de Spindler, A., Norrie, M.C., Grossniklaus, M. and Signer, B.: "Spatio-Temporal Proximity as a Basis for Collaborative Filtering in Mobile Environments", Proceedings of the Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems (UMICS 2006) at the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2006), Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, June 2006
A Generic Component for Exchanging User Models between Web-based Systems
van der Sluijs, K., Houben, G.J.: "A Generic Component for Exchanging User Models between Web-based Systems", International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, Vol. 16, No. 1/2, pp. 64-76, Publ. Inderscience (2006)
A Rule-based Approach to Content Delivery Adaptation in Web Information Systems
De Virgilio, R., Torlone, R., Houben, G.J.: "A Rule-based Approach to Content Delivery Adaptation in Web Information Systems", The 7th International Conference on Mobile Data Management, MDM'06, pp. 21-24, Nara, Japan (2006)
A Web Service-Oriented Architecture for Implementing Web Information Systems
Frasincar, F., Houben, G.J., Barna,P.: "A Web Service-Oriented Architecture for Implementing Web Information Systems", Database and Information Systems IV (DIS 2006), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp. 219-232, Publ. IOS Press (2006)
A Workflow-driven Design of Web Information Systems
Barna,P., Frasincar, F., Houben, G.J.: "A Workflow-driven Design of Web Information Systems", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Engineering, pp. 321-328, Eds. Wolber, D., Calder, N., Brooks, C., Ginige, A., Publ. ACM, ISBN 1-59593-352-2, Palo Alto,California, USA (2006)
Adaptation Rules for Context-Aware Web Applications
De Virgilio, R., Torlone, R., Houben, G.J.: "Adaptation Rules for Context-Aware Web Applications", SEBD 2006, Fourteenth Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, pp. 199-207, Publ. peQuod, Portonovo, Italy (2006)
Building Web Information Systems using Web Services
Frasincar, F., Houben, G.J., Barna,P.: "Building Web Information Systems using Web Services", International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems, DBIS2006, pp. 187-193, Publ. IEEE Xplore, Vilnius, Lithuania (2006)
Considering Additional Adaptation Concerns in the Design of Web Applications
Casteleyn, S., Fiala, Z., Houben, G.J., van der Sluijs, K.: "Considering Additional Adaptation Concerns in the Design of Web Applications", Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, Fourth International Conference, AH2006, pp. 254-258, Eds. Vincent P. Wade, Helen Ashman, Barry Smyth, Publ. Springer, LNCS 4018, ISBN 3-540-34696-1, Dublin, Ireland (2006)
Engineering Adaptive Concept-Based Systems for the Web
Houben, G.J., Aroyo, L., Dicheva, D.: "Engineering Adaptive Concept-Based Systems for the Web", Book chapter: Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government, and Mobile Commerce, edited by M. Khosrow-Pour, pp. 424-430, Publ. Idea Group (2006)
From Adaptation Engineering Towards Aspect-Oriented Context-Dependency
Casteleyn, S., Fiala, Z., Houben, G.J., van der Sluijs, K.: "From Adaptation Engineering Towards Aspect-Oriented Context-Dependency", Proceedings of the 15th International World Wide Web Conference, pp. 897-898, Publ. ACM, ISBN 1-59593-323-9, Edinburgh, Scotland (2006)
Generating Semantic Annotations during the Web Design Process
Casteleyn, S., Plessers, P., De Troyer, O.: "Generating Semantic Annotations during the Web Design Process", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Engineering, pp. 91-92, Eds. Wolber, D., Calder, N., Brooks, C., Ginige, A., Publ. ACM, ISBN 1-59593-352-2, Palo Alto, California, USA (2006)
Hera-S - Web Design Using Sesame
van der Sluijs, K., Houben, G.J., Broekstra, J., Casteleyn, S.: "Hera-S - Web Design Using Sesame", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Engineering, pp. 337-344, Eds. Wolber, D., Calder, N., Brooks, C., Ginige, A., Publ. ACM, ISBN 1-59593-352-2, Palo Alto,California, USA (2006)
HPG: The Hera Presentation Generator
Frasincar, F., Houben, G.J., Barna,P.: "HPG: The Hera Presentation Generator", Journal of Web Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 175-200, Publ. Rinton Press (2006)
Interoperability in Personalized Adaptive Learning
Aroyo, L., Dolog, P., Houben, G.J., Kravcik, M., Naeve, A., Nilsson, M., Wild, F.: "Interoperability in Personalized Adaptive Learning", Journal of Educational Technology & Society, IFETS, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 4-18 (2006)
Intuitively Specifying Object Dynamics in Virtual Environments using VR-WISE
Pellens, B., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O.: "Intuitively Specifying Object Dynamics in Virtual Environments using VR-WISE", Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pp. 334-337, Publ. ACM Press, ISBN 1-59593-321-2, Limassol, Cyprus (2006)
Model-Based Design of Virtual Environment Behavior
Pellens, B., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O., Bille, W.: "Model-Based Design of Virtual Environment Behavior", Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp. 29-39, Eds. H. Zha et al. , Publ. Springer Verlag, LNCS 4270, ISBN 3-540-46304-6, Xian, China (2006)
On Cultural Differences in Local Web Interfaces
De Troyer, O., Mushtaha, A. , Stengers H., Baetens M., Boers F., Casteleyn, S., Plessers, P.: "On Cultural Differences in Local Web Interfaces", Journal of Web Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 246 - 265, Publ. Rinton Press (2006)
On Generating Content and Structural Annotated Websites using Conceptual Modeling
Casteleyn, S., Plessers, P., De Troyer, O.: "On Generating Content and Structural Annotated Websites using Conceptual Modeling", Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER2006), LNCS 4215, pp. 267-280, Eds. Embley, D.W., Olive, A., Ram, S., Publ. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-47224-X, Tucson, USA (2006)
Predicting User Experiences through Cross-Context Reasoning
Berkovsky, S., Kuflik, T., Aroyo, L., Heckmann, D., Kroner, A., Ricci, F., Houben, G.J.: "Predicting User Experiences through Cross-Context Reasoning", ABIS 2006, 14th Workshop on Adaptivity and User Modeling in Interactive Systems, pp. 27-31, Publ. Universitat Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany (2006)
RDF and Traditional Query Architectures
Vdovjak, R., Houben, G.J., Stuckenschmidt, H., Aerts, A.: "RDF and Traditional Query Architectures", book chapter: Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer, pp. 41-58, Eds. S. Staab and H. Stuckenschmidt, Publ. Springer (2006)
Resolving Inconsistencies in Evolving Ontologies
Plessers, P., De Troyer, O.: "Resolving Inconsistencies in Evolving Ontologies", Proceedings of the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006), pp. 200-214, Eds. Y. Sure, J. Domingue, Publ. Springer-Verlag, Budva, Montenegro (2006)
Towards localizing eLearning websites
Mushtaha, A. , De Troyer, O.: "Towards localizing eLearning websites", The first Multilingualism & applied comparative linguistics conference, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2006)
VR-DeMo: a Tool-supported Approach Facilitating Flexible Development of Virtual Environments using Conceptual Modelling
Coninx, K., De Troyer, O., Raymaekers, C., Kleinermann, F.: "VR-DeMo: a Tool-supported Approach Facilitating Flexible Development of Virtual Environments using Conceptual Modelling", Proceedings of Virtual Concept 2006, Eds. Coutellier, D. and Fischer, X., Publ. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 2-287-48363-2, Cancun, mexico (2006)
Wrapper-based Evolution of Legacy Information Systems
Thiran, Ph., Hainaut, J.L., Benslimane, D.: "Wrapper-based Evolution of Legacy Information Systems", ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, TOSEM, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 329-359, Publ. ACM (2006)
The Lost Cosmonaut: An Interactive Narrative Environment on Basis of Digitally Enhanced Paper
Vogelsang, A. and Signer, B.: "The Lost Cosmonaut: An Interactive Narrative Environment on Basis of Digitally Enhanced Paper", Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Storytelling 2005, Strasbourg, France, December 2005
Content Publishing Framework for Interactive Paper Documents
Norrie, M.C., Palinginis, A. and Signer, B.: "Content Publishing Framework for Interactive Paper Documents", Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2005), Bristol, United Kingdom, November 2005
Information Server for Highly-Connected Cross-Media Publishing
Norrie, M. and Signer, B.: "Information Server for Highly-Connected Cross-Media Publishing", Information Systems. Vol. 30, No. 7, November 2005
Experimental Platform for Mobile Information Systems
Belotti, R., Decurtins, C., Norrie, M.C., Signer, B. and Vukelja, L.: "Experimental Platform for Mobile Information Systems", Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2005), Cologne, Germany, August 2005
Using Paper to Support Collaboration in Educational Activities
Tallyn, E., Frohlich, D.M., Linketscher, N., Signer, B. and Adams, G,: "Using Paper to Support Collaboration in Educational Activities", Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2005), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2005
A Framework for Cross-media Information Management
Signer, B and Norrie, M.C.: "Proceedings of EuroIMSA 2005, International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications", Grindelwald, Switzerland, February 2005
Overlaying Paper Maps with Digital Information Services for Tourists
Norrie, M.C. and Signer, B.: "Overlaying Paper Maps with Digital Information Services for Tourists", Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (ENTER 2005), Innsbruck, Austria, January 2005
A Generic Framework for Extracting XML Data from Legacy Databases
Thiran, Ph., Estievenart, F., Hainaut, J.L., Houben, G.J.: "A Generic Framework for Extracting XML Data from Legacy Databases", Journal of Web Engineering, 4(3), pp. 205-223, Publ. Rinton Press (2005)
A Generic Transcoding Tool for Making Web Applications Adaptive
Fiala, Z., Houben, G.J.: "A Generic Transcoding Tool for Making Web Applications Adaptive", Proceedings of the CAiSE05 FORUM, The 17th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, pp. 15-20, Publ. FEUP, Porto, Portugal (2005)
A Model-Driven Approach for Designing Distributed Web Information Systems
Vdovjak, R., Houben, G.J.: "A Model-Driven Approach for Designing Distributed Web Information Systems", Web Engineering, Fifth International Conference, ICWE 2005, pp. 453-464, Publ. Springer LNCS 3579, Sydney, Australia (2005)
A Reusable Personalization Model in Web Application Design
Garrigós, I., Gómez, J., Barna,P., Houben, G.J.: "A Reusable Personalization Model in Web Application Design", Proceedings of The ICWE 2005 Workshop on Web Information Systems Modelling (WISM2005), Workshop at ICWE2005, International Conference on Web Engineering, pp. 40-49, Publ. University of Wollongong, School of IT and Computer Science, Sydney, Australia (2005)
A Structured Approach to Personalize Websites using the OO-H Personalization Framework
Garrigós, I., Casteleyn, S., Gómez, J.: "A Structured Approach to Personalize Websites using the OO-H Personalization Framework", Web Technologies Research and Development - APWeb 2005, LNCS 3399, pp. 695 - 706, Eds. Yanchun Zhang, Katsumi Tanaka, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Shan Wang, Minglu Li, Publ. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-25207-X, Shangai, China (2005)
Accessibility: A Web Engineering Approach
Plessers, P., Casteleyn, S., Yesilada, Y., De Troyer, O., Stevens, R., Harper, S., Goble, C.: "Accessibility: A Web Engineering Approach", Proceedings of the 14th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2005), pp. 353 - 362, Eds. Allan Ellis, Tatsuya Hagino, Publ. ACM, ISBN 1-59593-046-9, Chiba, Japan (2005)
Adaptation Engineering in Adaptive Conceptbased Systems
Houben, G.J., Aroyo, L., Dicheva, D., De Bra, P.: "Adaptation Engineering in Adaptive Conceptbased Systems", book chapter in Adaptable and Adaptive Hypermedia Systems, Eds. S.Y. Chen, G. Magoulas, Publ. Idea Group (2005)
Adapting Graph Visualization Techniques for the Visualization of RDF Data
Frasincar, F., Telea, A., Houben, G.J.: "Adapting Graph Visualization Techniques for the Visualization of RDF Data", book chapter: Visualizing the Semantic Web, Second edition, Eds. V. Geroimenko, C. Chen, Publ. Springer (2005)
An Ontology-Driven Approach for Modeling Behavior in Virtual Environments
Pellens, B., De Troyer, O., Bille, W., Kleinermann, F., Romero, R.: "An Ontology-Driven Approach for Modeling Behavior in Virtual Environments", Proceedings of Ontology Mining and Engineering and its Use for Virtual Reality (WOMEUVR 2005), pp. 1215-1224, Eds. Meersman, R. et al., Publ. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-29739-1, Agia Napa, Cyprus (2005)
Audience-driven web design
De Troyer, O.: "Audience-driven web design", Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, pp. 184 - 187, Eds. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Publ. IDEA GroupPublishing, ISBN 1-59140-553-X (2005)
Automatic Runtime Validation and Correction of the Navigational Design of Web Sites
Casteleyn, S., Garrigós, I., De Troyer, O.: "Automatic Runtime Validation and Correction of the Navigational Design of Web Sites", Web Technologies Research and Development - APWeb 20055, LNCS 3399, pp. 453 - 463, Eds. Yanchun Zhang, Katsumi Tanaka, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Shan Wang, Minglu Li, Publ. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-25207-X, Shangai, China (2005)
Building Self-Managing Web Information Systems from Generic Components
Houben, G.J., Fiala, Z., van der Sluijs, K., Hinz, M.: "Building Self-Managing Web Information Systems from Generic Components", ASMEA05 International Workshop on Adaptive and Self-Managing Enterprise Applications, Workshop at CAiSE05, The 17th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering; Proceedings of the CAiSE05 Workshops, Vol. 2, pp. 53-67, Porto, Portugal (2005)
Challenges in Adaptive Web Information Systems: Do Not Forget the Link
Houben, G.J.: "Challenges in Adaptive Web Information Systems: Do Not Forget the Link", Engineering Advanced Web Applications, Proceedings of Workshops in Connection with 4th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE2004), pp. 3-11, Publ. Rinton Press (2005)
Conceptual Modeling of Articulated Bodies in Virtual Environments
Bille, W., De Troyer, O., Pellens, B., Kleinermann, F.: "Conceptual Modeling of Articulated Bodies in Virtual Environments", Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp. 17-26, Eds. Hal Thwaites, Publ. Archaeolingua, ISBN 963 8046 63 5, Gent, Belgium (2005)
Conceptual Modeling of Object Behavior in a Virtual Environment
Pellens, B., De Troyer, O., Bille, W., Kleinermann, F.: "Conceptual Modeling of Object Behavior in a Virtual Environment", Proceedings of Virtual Concept 2005, pp. 93-94, Eds. Xavier Fisher et al., Publ. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 2-287-28772-8, Biarritz, France (2005)
Database Wrappers Development: Towards Automatic Generation
Thiran, Ph., Hainaut, J.L., Houben, G.J.: "Database Wrappers Development: Towards Automatic Generation", CSMR05, Ninth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, pp. 207-216, Publ. IEEE CS Press, Manchester, UK (2005)
Designer Specified Self Re-organizing Websites
Casteleyn, S.: "Designer Specified Self Re-organizing Websites", Phd thesis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2005)
Designing Semantic Virtual Reality Applications
Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O., Mansouri, H., Romero, R., Pellens, B., Bille, W.: "Designing Semantic Virtual Reality Applications", Proceedings of the 2nd INTUITION International Workshop, Senlis, France (2005)
Event-based Modeling of Evolution for Semantic-driven Systems
Plessers, P., De Troyer, O., Casteleyn, S.: "Event-based Modeling of Evolution for Semantic-driven Systems", Advanced Information Systems Engineering - Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'05), pp. 63 - 76, Eds. Oscar Pastor, Joao Falcao e Cunha, Publ. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-26095-1, Porto, Portugal (2005)
Exposing Relational Data on the Semantic Web with CROSS
Champin, P.A., Thiran, Ph., Houben, G.J., Broekstra, J.: "Exposing Relational Data on the Semantic Web with CROSS", Rapport de recherche RR-LIRIS-2005-016, pp. 14 p., Publ. Laboratoire d InfoRmatique en Images et Systemes d information, Lyon, France (2005)
Fundamental Concepts for Interactive Paper and Cross-Media Information Spaces
Signer, B.: "Fundamental Concepts for Interactive Paper and Cross-Media Information Spaces", Dissertation ETH No. 16218. Zurich, Switzerland, 2005
Integrating Business Rules into the Web Development Process
Najjar, J., Mushtaha, A. , De Troyer, O.: "Integrating Business Rules into the Web Development Process", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Technology - Human Computer Interaction (ICIT2005), pp. 404-410, ISBN 9957-8583-0-0 , Amman, Jordan (2005)
Navigation Design Support Using Reusable Navigation Templates
Barna,P., Houben, G.J., Thiran, Ph., Aerts, A., Frasincar, F.: "Navigation Design Support Using Reusable Navigation Templates", IWWOST05 International Workshop on Web Oriented Software Technologies, Proceedings of the CAISE05 Workshop on Web Oriented Software Technologies, Publ. CEUR Workshop Proceedings at, Porto, Portugal (2005)
Non-destructive Integration of Form-based Views
Hidders, J., Paredaens, J., Thiran, Ph., Houben, G.J., van Hee, K.: "Non-destructive Integration of Form-based Views", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS2005, pp. 74-86, Publ. Springer LNCS 3631, Tallin, Estonia (2005)
Ontology Change Detection using a Version Log
Plessers, P., De Troyer, O.: "Ontology Change Detection using a Version Log", Proceedings of the 4th International Semantic Web Conference, pp. 578-592, Eds. Yolanda Gil, Enrico Motta, V.Richard Benjamins, Mark A. Musen, Publ. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-29754-3, Galway, Ireland (2005)
Patterns as method for university portals design
Mushtaha, A. , De Troyer, O.: "Patterns as method for university portals design", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Technology - Human Computer Interaction (ICIT2005), pp. 411-417 , ISBN 9957-8583-0-0, Amman, Jordan (2005)
Proceedings of The ICWE 2005 Workshop on Web Information Systems Modelling
Frasincar, F., Houben, G.J., Vdovjak, R.: "Proceedings of The ICWE 2005 Workshop on Web Information Systems Modelling", Publ. University of Wollongong, School of IT and Computer Science, Sydney, Australia (2005)
Semantic Web Development with WSDM
Plessers, P., Casteleyn, S., De Troyer, O.: "Semantic Web Development with WSDM", 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation (SemAnnot 2005), Galway, Ireland (2005)
Special Issue on Semantic Web Technologies for Data Integration and Multimedia Presentation
Frasincar, F., Houben, G.J., van Ossenbruggen, J.: "Special Issue on Semantic Web Technologies for Data Integration and Multimedia Presentation", Special issue of International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 2(2/3), Publ. Inderscience (2005)
The World Wide Web as a Globalising Catalyst Consequences for Cross-Cultural Web Interface Design
Stengers H., Baetens M., Boers F., De Troyer, O.: "The World Wide Web as a Globalising Catalyst Consequences for Cross-Cultural Web Interface Design", International Journal for Infonomics, e-Centre for Infonomics: London, v.1 January, pp. 22-37, ISBN 1742-4712 (2005)
Towards a Generic User Model Component
van der Sluijs, K., Houben, G.J.: "Towards a Generic User Model Component", Workshop on Personalization on the Semantic Web (PerSWeb05), workshop at the 10th International Conference on User Modeling (UM2005), pp. 47-57, Edinburgh, Scotland (2005)
Towards Distributed Processing of RDF Path Queries
Stuckenschmidt, H., Vdovjak, R., Houben, G.J., Broekstra, J.: "Towards Distributed Processing of RDF Path Queries", International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 2(2/3), pp. 207-230, Publ. Inderscience (2005)
Towards Localising e-Learning Websites
Mushtaha, A. , De Troyer, O.: "Towards Localising e-Learning Websites", International Journal for Localisation, pp. 06-09, ISBN 1649-2358, Limerick, Ireland (2005)
Using ORM to Model Web Systems
De Troyer, O., Casteleyn, S., Plessers, P.: "Using ORM to Model Web Systems", On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: OTM 2005 Workshops, International Workshop on Object-Role Modeling (ORM'05), pp. 700-709, Publ. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3762 Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-29739-1, Agia Napa, Cyprus (2005)
VR-WISE: A Conceptual Modelling Approach For Virtual Environments
Pellens, B., Bille, W., De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F.: "VR-WISE: A Conceptual Modelling Approach For Virtual Environments", CD-ROM Proceedings of the Methods and Tools for Virtual Reality (MeTo-VR 2005) workshop, Gent, Belgium (2005)
Web Data Integration and Presentation
Frasincar, F., Gaedke, M., Houben, G.J.: "Web Data Integration and Presentation", Special issue: Journal of Web Engineering, 4(3), Publ. Rinton Press (2005)
Only Touching the Surface: Creating Affinities between Digital Content and Paper
Luff, P., Heath, C., Norrie, M.C., Signer, B. and Herdman, P.: "Only Touching the Surface: Creating Affinities between Digital Content and Paper", Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2004), Chicago, USA, November 2004
Annotation for the Semantic Web during Website Development
Plessers, P., De Troyer, O.: "Annotation for the Semamtic Web during Website Development", Proceedings of the ICWE 2004 Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3140, pp. 349-353, Eds. Nora Koch, Piero Fraternali, and Martin Wirsing, ISBN 3-540-22511-0, Munich, Germany (2004)
Designing Localized Web Sites
De Troyer, O., Casteleyn, S.: "Designing Localized Web Sites", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE2004), pp. 547 - 558, Eds. Zhou, X., Su, S., Papazoglou, M.P., Orlowska, M.E., Jeffery, K.G., Publ. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-23894-8, Brisbane, Australia (2004)
Intelligent Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using Domain Ontologies
Bille, W., Pellens, B., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O.: "Intelligent Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using Domain Ontologies", Proceedings of the Workshop of Intelligent Computing (WIC), held in conjunction with the MICAI 2004 conference, pp. 272 - 279, Eds. L. Sheremetov, M. Alvarado, ISBN 968-489-024-9, Mexico City, Mexico (2004)
Localization of Web Sites: Is there still a need for it?
Stengers H., De Troyer, O., Baetens M., Boers F., Mushtaha, A. : "Localization of Web Sites: Is there still a need for it?", International Workshop on Web Engineering (held in conjunction with the ACM HyperText 2004 Conference), Santa Cruz, USA (2004)
Pattern Definition to Refine Navigation Structure in Hypermedia/Web Applications
Casteleyn, S., Garrigós, I., Plessers, P.: "Pattern Definition to Refine Navigation Structure in Hypermedia/Web Applications ", Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2004 (ICWI2004), Volume II, pp. 1199-1203, Eds. Isaias, P., Karmakar, N., Publ. IADIS PRESS, ISBN 972-99353-0-0, Madrid, Spain (2004)
Using Adaptive Techniques to Validate and Correct an Audience Driven Design of Web Sites
Casteleyn, S., Garrigós, I., De Troyer, O.: "Using Adaptive Techniques to Validate and Correct an Audience Driven Design of Web Sites", Proceedings of the ICWE 2004 Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3140, pp. 55-59, Eds. Nora Koch, Piero Fraternali, and Martin Wirsing, ISBN 3-540-22511-0, Munich, Germany (2004)
Using Ontologies to Build Virtual Worlds for the Web
Bille, W., De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F., Pellens, B., Romero, R.: "Using Ontologies to Build Virtual Worlds for the Web", Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2004 (ICWI2004), Volume I, pp. 683 - 690, Eds. Isaias, P., Karmakar, N., Publ. IADIS PRESS, ISBN 972-99353-0-0, Madrid, Spain (2004)
Web Design for the Semantic Web
Plessers, P., De Troyer, O.: "Web Design for the Semantic Web", Proceedings of the WWW2004 Workshop on Application Design, Development and Implementation Issues in the Semantic Web, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol 105 Web, WWW2004 Workshop, Eds. Christoph Bussler, Stefan Decker, Daniel Schwabe, Oscar Pastor, ISBN 1613-0073, New York, USA (2004)
Switching over to Paper: A New Web Channel
Norrie, M.C. and Signer, B.: "Switching over to Paper: A New Web Channel", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2003), Rome, Italy, December 2003
Digital Annotation of Printed Documents
Decurtins, C., Norrie, M.C. and Signer, B.: "Digital Annotation of Printed Documents", Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2003), New Orleans, USA, November 2003
Multi-Layered Cross-Media Linking
Signer, B. and Norrie, M.C.: "Multi-Layered Cross-Media Linking", Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Hypertext'03), Nottingham, United Kingdom, August 2003
Issues of Information Semantics and Granularity in Cross-Media Publishing
Norrie, M.C. and Signer, B.: "Issues of Information Semantics and Granularity in Cross-Media Publishing", Proceedings of the Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'03), Klagenfurt/Velden, Austria, June 2003
Putting the Gloss on Paper: A Framework for Cross-Media Annotation
Decurtins, C., Norrie, M.C. and Signer, B.: "Putting the Gloss on Paper: A Framework for Cross-Media Annotation" New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia (NRHM 2003), Volume 9, 2003
Web-Based Integration of Printed and Digital Information
Norrie, M.C. and Signer, B.: "Web-Based Integration of Printed and Digital Information" (extended version of DIWeb'02 paper), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 2590, February 2003
Conceptual View Integration for Audience Driven Web Design
De Troyer, O., Plessers, P., Casteleyn, S.: "Conceptual View Integration for Audience Driven Web Design", CD-ROM Proceedings of the WWW2003 Conference, IW3C2 (also, Budapest, Hongary (2003)
Design Time Support for Adaptive Behaviour in Web Sites
Casteleyn, S., De Troyer, O., Brockmans, S.: "Design Time Support for Adaptive Behaviour in Web Sites", Proceedings of the 18th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 1222 - 1228, Publ. ACM, ISBN ISBN 1-58113-624-2, Melbourne, USA (2003) [Acceptance Rate: 32%]
Exploiting Link Types during the Conceptual Design of Web Sites
De Troyer, O., Casteleyn, S.: "Exploiting Link Types during the Conceptual Design of Web Sites", International Journal of Web Engineering Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2003)
Modeling Complex Processes for Web Applications using WSDM
De Troyer, O., Casteleyn, S.: "Modeling Complex Processes for Web Applications using WSDM", Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software Technologies (held in conjunction with ICWE2003), IWWOST2003 (also on, Eds. Daniel Schwabe, Oscar Pastor, Gustavo Rossi, Luis Olsina, Oviedo, Spain (2003)
On Generating Virtual Worlds from Domain Ontologies
De Troyer, O., Bille, W., Romero, R., Stuer, P.: "On Generating Virtual Worlds from Domain Ontologies", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Multi-Media Modeling, Tamkang University, pp. 279 - 294, Eds. Tat-Seng Chua and Tosiyasu L. Kunii, ISBN 957-9078-57-2, Taipei, Taiwan (2003)
Solving Semantic Conflicts in Adience Driven Web Design
De Troyer, O., Plessers, P., Casteleyn, S.: "Solving Semantic Conflicts in Adience Driven Web Design", Proceedings of the WWW/Internet 2003 Conference (ICWI 2003), Volume I, pp. 443 - 450, Eds. Pedro Isaías and Nitya Karmakar, Publ. IADIS Press, ISBN 972-98947-1-X, Algarve, Portugal (2003)
Telephone Interface for Avalanche Warnings based on Information Server for Adaptable Content Delivery
Signer, B., Norrie, M.C., Geissbuehler, P. and Heiniger, D.: "Telephone Interface for Avalanche Warnings based on Information Server for Adaptable Content Delivery", Short Paper presented at the International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2002), Zurich, Switzerland, August 2002
Aural Interfaces to Databases based on VoiceXML
Signer, B., Norrie, M.C., Geissbuehler, P. and Heiniger, D.: "Aural Interfaces to Databases based on VoiceXML", Proceedings of the 6th IFIP Workshop on Visual Database Systems (VDB6), Brisbane, Australia, May 2002
Web-Based Integration of Printed and Digital Information
Norrie, M.C. and Signer, B.: "Web-Based Integration of Printed and Digital Information", Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Data Integration over the Web (DIWeb'02), Toronto, Canada, May 2002
Conceptual Modelling of Web Sites and Advanced Navigation for End-users
Lekova, A., De Troyer, O.: "Conceptual Modelling of Web Sites and Advanced Navigation for End-users", AUTOMATICA&INFORMATICS 5, pp. 16 - 21 (2002)
Exploiting Link Types during the Web Site Design Process to Enhance Usability of Web Sites
Casteleyn, S., De Troyer, O.: "Exploiting Link Types during the Web Site Design Process to Enhance Usability of Web Sites", Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software Technologies, IWWOST 2002 (attached to the ECOOP conference), Eds. Daniel Schwabe, Gustavo Rossi, Oscar Pastor, Luis Olsini, Malaga, Spain (2002)
Web-for-Web: A Tool for Evolving Data-Driven Web Applications
De Troyer, O., De Greef, J., Stuer, P.: "Web-for-Web: A Tool for Evolving Data-Driven Web Applications", Proceeding of WWW2002 Workshop on Real world RDF and Semantic Web applications (also on, Eds. Vipul Kashyap and Leon Shklar, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (2002)
Reading Augmented Paper: Children's Experiences from a Simulation Study
Frohlich, D.M., Tallyn, E., Linketscher, N., Signer, B. and Adams, G.: "Reading Augmented Paper: Children's Experiences from a Simulation Study", Technical Report HP Labs, HPL-2001-308, November 2001
OMS Java: Providing Information, Storage and Access Abstractions in an Object-Oriented Framework
Kobler, A., Norrie, M.C., Signer, B. and Grossniklaus, M.: "OMS Java: Providing Information, Storage and Access Abstractions in an Object-Oriented Framework", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems (OOIS'2001), Calgary, Canada, August 2001
Java Framework for Database-Centric Web Engineering
Signer, B., Grossniklaus, M. and Norrie, M.C.: "Java Framework for Database-Centric Web Engineering", Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Web Engineering (WebE'2001) (in conjunction with 10th International World Wide Web Conference), Hong Kong, May 2001
Audience-driven web design
De Troyer, O.: "Audience-driven web design", Information modelling in the new millennium, Eds. Matt Rossi & Keng Siau, Publ. IDEA GroupPublishing, ISBN 1-878289-77-2 (2001)
Improved Navigation Through Extended XML Links
Lekova, A., De Troyer, O.: "Improved Navigation Through Extended XML Links", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (IIWAS 2001), Austrian Computer Society, Band 150, pp. 10 - 12, Eds. Winiwater, W., Bressan, S., Ibrahim I.K. , Linz, Austria (2001)
Structuring Web Sites Using Audience Class Hierarchies
Casteleyn, S., De Troyer, O.: "Structuring Web Sites Using Audience Class Hierarchies", Conceptual Modeling for New Information Systems Technologies, ER 2001 Workshops, HUMACS, DASWIS, ECOMO, and DAMA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 2465, Publ. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-44-122-0, Yokohama, Japan (2001)
The Conference Review System with WSDM
De Troyer, O., Casteleyn, S.: "The Conference Review System with WSDM", First International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software Technology, IWWOST'01, (also, Eds. Oscar Pastor, Valencia (University of Technology), Spain (2001)
A Personal Assistant for Web Database Caching
Signer, B., Erni, A. and Norrie, M.C.: "A Personal Assistant for Web Database Caching" Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'2000), Stockholm, Sweden, June 2000
Conceptual Modelling of Web Sites for End-Users
De Troyer, O., Decruyenare, T.: "Conceptual Modelling of Web Sites for End-Users", WWW Journal, Vo. 3, No. 1, Publ. Baltzer Science Publishers (2000)
GOMES - An Object-Oriented GUI for the Object Model Multi-User Extended Filesystem
Signer, B.: "GOMES - An Object-Oriented GUI for the Object Model Multi-User Extended Filesystem", Diploma Thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, July 1999
Personal Assistant for Internet OMS
Signer, B.: "Personal Assistant for Internet OMS", Semester Project, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, March 1999
Designing Well-Structured Web Site: Lessons to be Learned from Database Schema Methodology
De Troyer, O.: "Designing Well-Structured Web Site: Lessons to be Learned from Database Schema Methodology", Proceedings of the ER-98 Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1507, pp. 51 - 64, Publ. Springer-Verlag (1998)
UR-WSDM: Adding User Requirement Granularity to Model Web Based Information Systems
Goedefroy, W., Meersman, R., De Troyer, O.: "UR-WSDM: Adding User Requirement Granularity to Model Web Based Information Systems", Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Hypermedia Development (attached to the Hypertext 98 conference), pp. 20 - 24, Pittsburgh, USA (1998)
WSDM: A User-Centered Design Method for Web Sites
De Troyer, O., Leune, C.: "WSDM: A User-Centered Design Method for Web Sites", Computer Networks and ISDN systems, Proceedings of the 7th International World Wide Web Conference, pp. 85 - 94, Publ. Elsevier, Brisbane, Australia (1998)
Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van databasemanagement
DE TROYER O., CASIMIR R.J., Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van databasemanagement. In: Handboek Bestuurlijke Informatiekunde, Samson BedrijfsInformatie, March 1997.
A Logic Framework for a Semantics of Object-Oriented Data Modelling
DE TROYER O., MEERSMAN R., A Logic Framework for a Semantics of Object-Oriented Data Modelling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1021, Proceedings of 14th International Conference Object-Orientation and Entity-Relationship Modelling (OO-ER'95), ed. M.P. Papazoglou, Springer 1995 (pp.238-249).
A Logical Formalization of the Binary Object Role Model.
DE TROYER O., A Logical Formalization of the Binary Object Role Model. In: Proceedings 1st International conference on Object Role Modelling ORM-1, eds. T. Halpin, R. Meersman, Quensland University Press, 1994 (pp. 28-44)
Nog geen ruimte op kantoor voor OO-databases.
DE TROYER O., Nog geen ruimte op kantoor voor OO-databases. In: PC\Werkstation, 3 (2), Array Publications, March 1994
Object-georiënteerde databases
DE TROYER O., Object-georiënteerde databases. In: BIKmag, 2 (4.), Samson BedrijfsInformatie, April 1994
Object-georiënteerde database modellen
DE TROYER O. Object-georiënteerde database modellen. In: Handboek Database Systemen, Array Publications, November 1993.
On Data Schema Transformations
DE TROYER O. On Data Schema Transformations. ISBN 90-9005913-X. Ph.D. Thesis, 1993, pp.1-301
On Modularity for Conceptual Data Models and the Consequences for Subtyping, Inheritance & Overriding
DE TROYER O., JANSSEN R., On Modularity for Conceptual Data Models and the Consequences for Subtyping, Inheritance & Overriding. In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 93), IEEE Computer Society Press, 1993 (pp. 678-685)
Architecture of a Multimedia Document Database
De Troyer, O., & de las Heras, M. J. B. (1992): “Architecture of a Multimedia Document Database.” In: Integrated Management of Technical Documentation. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (pp. 84-102)
Le modelage de bases à donnés à partir du language naturel et ses outils
MEERSMAN R.A., DE TROYER O., DE VOS M., Le modelage de bases à donnés à partir du language naturel et ses outils. In: EC2: Genie Logiciel & Systèmes Experts, Mai 1991.
Object-Oriented Integrity Enforcement in a Relational Environment
BRIALES M.J., DE TROYER O., Object-Oriented Integrity Enforcement in a Relational Environment. In: "Aspects of Databases, Proc. 9th British National Conference on Databases.", eds. M.S. Jackson, A.E. Robinson. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991 (pp. 38-68)
Schema Object Types: A New Approach to Modularization in Conceptual Modelling
DE TROYER O., Schema Object Types: A New Approach to Modularization in Conceptual Modelling. In: "Information Systems - Correctness and Reusability", eds. G. Saake, A. Sernadas. Technische Universiteit Braunschweig, Informatik-Berichte 91-03, 1991 (pp. 235-265)
The OO-Binary Relationship Model: A Truly Object-Oriented Conceptual Model
DE TROYER O., The OO-Binary Relationship Model: A Truly Object-Oriented Conceptual Model. In: Proceedings CAISE '91, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 498, "Advanced Information Systems Engineering", eds. R. Andersen, J.A. Bubenko jr., A. SØlvberg, Springer-Verlag 1991 (pp. 561-578)
RIDL*: A tool for the Computer-Assisted-Engineering of Large Databases in the Presence of Integrity Constraints
DE TROYER O., RIDL*: A tool for the Computer-Assisted-Engineering of Large Databases in the Presence of Integrity Constraints. In: Proceedings of the ACM-SIGMOD "International Conference on Management of Data", eds. J. Clifford, B. Lindsay, D. Maier, ACM Press, 1989 (pp. 418-430)
On Rule-Based Generation of Conceptual Database Updates.
DE TROYER O., On Rule-Based Generation of Conceptual Database Updates. In: Data and Knowledge, eds. Meersman R.A. & Sernadas A.C., North-Holland - Amsterdam, 1988 (pp. 99-117)
RIDL* on the CRIS Case: a Workbench for NIAM.
DE TROYER O. , MEERSMAN R.A., VERLINDEN P., RIDL* on the CRIS Case: a Workbench for NIAM. In: Computerized Assistance during the Information Systems Life Cyle, eds. Olle T.W., Verrijn-Stuart A.A., Bhabuta L., Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1988 (pp.375-459)
How Helpful is an Object-Oriented Language for an Object-Oriented Database Model
DE TROYER O., KEUSTERMANS J., MEERSMAN R., How Helpful is an Object-Oriented Language for an Object-Oriented Database Model. In: Proceedings of "Object-Oriented Database ACM & IEEE Workshop", eds. K. Dittrich, U. Dayal, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1986 (pp. 124 - 132)
Transforming Conceptual Schema Semantics to Relational Data Base Applications
DE TROYER O., MEERSMAN R., Transforming Conceptual Schema Semantics to Relational Data Base Applications. In: Information Modelling and Data Base Management, ed. H. Kangassalo, Springer Verlag 1986