
Our research on decentralised location data and interoperable positioning systems was mentioned in an interview with PhD candidate Maxim Van de Wynckel. The interview is available in the Flemish magazine "Knack" (week 11/2025 ISSN: 0072-3210) and online:…

The WISE lab is surveying the privacy and transparency of location to get a better insight into how users perceive the privacy of location data and the transparency of services that track a location. The survey is available here.


Our book chapter on 'Pen-based Interaction' for the forthcoming Springer Handbook of Human Computer Interaction edited by Jean Vanderdonckt, Philippe Palanque and Marco Winckler is now available online at


The public PhD defence of Kushal Soni will take place on October 18 at 15:00 in auditorium D.0.05. The title of the dissertation is: A Software Framework for Easily Generating Blockchain-Based Applications for the Exchange of Resources between Different Parties.  

Our poster 'Populating CSV Files from Unstructured Text with LLMs for KG Generation with RML' by Jan Maushagen, Sara Sepehri, Audrey Sanctorum, Tamara Vanhaecke, and Olga De Troyer and Christophe Debruyne received the Best Poster Award at SEMANTiCS 2024.

Our publication "Individualization in Serious Games: A Systematic Review of the Literature on the Aspects of the Players to Adapt to" by Pejman Sajjadi, Ahmed Ewais, and Olga De Troyer received the Best Paper of 2023 Award of the Elsevier Entertainment Computing journal. 

Are you interested in a Marie Sklodowska Curie PostDoc position in the domain of Dynamic Data Physicalisation, Interactive Paper and Augmented Reality or Personal Cross-Media Information Management?

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate to work in our research project on 'Real-Time Cross-Media Data Exploration and Analysis for Next-Generation Knowledge Workers'! Application deadline: open until filled   Details about the vacancy

A new Strategic Research Programme Growth Funding project (SRP 92) on Real-Time Cross-Media Data Exploration and Analysis for Next Generation Knowledge Workers has recently been granted.