
A faculty position (assistant professor, associate professor or full professor) in Computer Science (Web & Information Systems) is available in the Department of Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
The candidate is expected to reinforce the research of the WISE Lab ( by initiating and conducting research in a field that is related but complementary to the WISE lab's current research. The current research of WISE is situated in the domain of innovative information systems, with special focus on Serious Games and on Cross-Media Information Spaces and Architectures. Within this research, the emphasis is on conceptual modelling, design techniques and methods, context-awareness and adaptivity, as well as usability and includes the development of engineering methodologies, software tools and software frameworks for these domains.
Special preference will be given to candidates with expertise in a sub-discipline of data science, such as data visualization, data analytics, data security, data mining, or data modelling. Fundamental research as well as data science research applied in domains such as HCI, (serious) games or recommender systems, is eligible.
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Applying before May 4, 2015.

The research group WISE at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium) is looking for a researcher to strengthen the research team working on the DART project. The objective of the DART project is to develop and evaluate methods and techniques to support context-aware recommendation in business intelligence scenarios. An important component is to enhance the user experience by designing and evaluating visualizations that give the user insight into the rationale of such recommendations.

The research group WISE at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium) is looking for a researcher to strengthen the serious games research team working on the Friendly-ATTAC project ( The Friendly-ATTAC project aims at developing serious games against cyber bullying. 

For more information see:

Sandra Trullemans wins the Master's Thesis Award from the Society of VUB Engineers (V.Ir.Br.) for her Master's thesis entitled 'Personal Cross-Media Information Management' (promoter: Prof. Dr. Beat Signer).

On Tuesday 28th of January, at 14h Ahmed Ewais, one of WISE's PhD students, will defend his PhD entitled "Authoring Adaptive 3D Virtual Learning Environments".  The defense takes place in building D (room D0.08), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, campus Etterbeek.

Promoter is Prof. dr Olga De Troyer

If you want to hand in your master thesis for the exam period of January, you have to apply for this by Dec 1. The form is available on the website of the faculty.

The deadline for handing in your thesis  is January 10th.

On Friday 27th September, at 17h William Van Woensel will defend his PhD entitled "Mobile, client-side context-provisioning via the decentralized and integrated querying of online semantic web data".  The defense takes place in room E0.11 (building E), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, campus Etterbeek. 

Check out this video on our latest Kinect-based solution for expressive control of indirect augmented reality during live music performances. More details about the system can be found in the following research paper.