
The WISE lab has a vacancy for a teaching assistant / PhD position in the research team of Prof. Dr. Beat Signer. The position is for a maximum duration of 6 years (3 x 2 years, with a renewal after a positive evaluation). As part of your PhD, you are expected to conduct research in the domain of Mixed Reality, Data Physicalisation or Cross-Media Information Solutions.

The expected start date is October 1, 2018 (application deadline is June 24).

WISE is looking for a candidate for a 10% professor position. This person will be responsible for the supervision and evaluation of the Bachelor theses and internships of the Department Computer Science in collaboration with other members of the department. Furthermore, the candidate is expected to contribute to the research of our research group WISE. This can take the form of guiding Ph.D. and M.Sc. students, active participating in the existing research and / or setting up and seeking funding for new research projects.

A PhD in computer science is required.

Dit is een positie voor 3 x 2 jaar (met 2 tussentijdse evaluaties). In die tijd wordt er verwacht dat er doctoraatsonderzoek wordt verricht. Daarnaast dient men oefeningen, practica en projecten te begeleiden van Bachelor- en Mastervakken aangeboden door de onderzoeksgroep WISE (zoals bijv. logica, object-gericht modelleren, gebruikersinterfaces, conceptueel modelleren en ontwerpmethoden), alsook het mee begeleiden van bachelor- en masterproeven.

Date: 26.3.2018
Time: 18:15
Location: E.0.06

The WISE research group will present its research and potential topics for Bachelor and Master's theses in a seminar organised by infogroep. Feel free to join the presentation in order to get more information about the different research activities of the WISE lab.

The public PhD defence of Sandra Trullemans will take place on February 27 at 17:00 in D.2.01. Title of the thesis: Enabling and Informing the Design of Cross-Media Personal Information Management Solutions

Date: 2.2.2018
Time: 11:00-12:00
Location: PL9.3.31

Date: 11.12.2017
Time: 13:00-14:00
Location: F.10.720

The VUB university library now offers a MOOC (free online course) to improve your basic research skills (searching, citing, plagiarism, ...).

There is a Dutch version and an English version of the onlice course which can be found at (NL) and (ENG).

The public PhD defence of Pejman Sajjadi will take place on Monday April 24 at 16:00h in Auditorium D.2.01. Title of the thesis is "Individualizing Learning Games: Incorporating the Theory of Multiple Intelligence in Player-Centered Game Design".