Achieving Efficient Access to Large Integrated Sets of Semantic Data in Web Applications

Web-based systems exploit Semantic Web-based approaches to link data and create applications that make the most out of the combination and integration of different sources and background knowledge. While a lot of attention is paid to the opportunities that this linking of data on the Web provides, the reality of implementing such solutions with currently available semantic technologies creates a serious engineering challenge. In developing such applications in a commercial setting, we have been confronted with requirements and conditions that show the limitations of current technologies for this type of Web applications. Using our experience from iFanzy, we illustrate in this paper the issues and steps in turning the concept of access to semantically integrated content into solutions that use available technology.
Publication Reference
Bellekens, P., Van Der Sluijs, K., Van Woensel, W., Casteleyn, S., Houben, G.-J.: Achieving Efficient Access to Large Integrated Sets of Semantic Data in Web Applications. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Engineering. pp. 52–64. IEEE Computer Society, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA (2008).
