Publications of Piet Van Der Paelt

A Data Persistence Architecture for the SimJulia Framework
Van Der Paelt, P., Lauwens, B. and Signer, B.: "A Data Persistence Architecture for the SimJulia Framework", JuliaCon 2023 (Extended Abstract), Cambridge, USA, July 2023
Model-Driven Data Storage Using Dynamic Object-Relational Mapping
Van Der Paelt, P., Lauwens, B. and Signer, B.: "Model-Driven Data Storage Using Dynamic Object-Relational Mapping", SIMULTECH 2023, 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (Abstract), Rome, Italy, July 2023
A Transparent Data Persistence Architecture for the SimJulia Framework
Van Der Paelt, P., Lauwens, B. and Signer, B.: "A Transparent Data Persistence Architecture for the SimJulia Framework", ORBEL 2022, 36th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, Gent, Belgium, September 2022