Intelligent Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using Domain Ontologies

Today, the development of a VR application is still a long and difficult task as new features are being developed for Virtual Reality. There is a need to have better modelling tools which will help the de- signer to model the VR application much more from the domain expert point of view by involving him more in the design process. In this paper, a new approach is introduced for designing and developing a VR appli- cation where the domain expertise is used for generating it more easily. This approach uses ontologies as a way of grasping the knowledge of a domain, expressing the virtual world much more in terms of the end-user domain, generating the virtual world more easily and performing intel- ligent reasoning. Furthermore, ontologies are also used as a conceptual modelling tool allowing a non-VR-skilled person to model his VR appli- cation using the concepts of Virtual Reality more intuitively and more oriented towards his domain expertise.
Publication Reference
Bille, W., Pellens, B., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O.: "Intelligent Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using Domain Ontologies", Proceedings of the Workshop of Intelligent Computing (WIC), held in conjunction with the MICAI 2004 conference, pp. 272 - 279, Eds. L. Sheremetov, M. Alvarado, ISBN 968-489-024-9, Mexico City, Mexico (2004)
