QuTi - Queue Time

QuTi is a research project performed in the context of iBrussels, a research project on Wi-Fi Architecture financed by the Brussels Capital-Region and supervised by Centrum voor Informatica voor het Brussels Gewest (CIBG). In QuTi, WISE developed a framework that provides real-time information on queue-sensitive events. QuTi relies on existing detection technologies to monitor crowds and measure bustle, and delivers this time-sensitive information real-time through a Web site and a mobile application. Based on this real-time information, visitors can decide when is the best time to visit.

The framework has been applied to measure the traffic in the student restaurant of the VUB. A screenshot of the desktop application developed for the restaurant is shown below.

QuTi Desktop Web application

The following figure shows the restaurant application in a mobile browser:

QuTi Mobile Web application

And the last picture shows the dedicated Mobile application that has been developed for monitoring the traffic in the student restaurant:

QuTi Mobile app

A movi of the application can be found here.

Related Publications

Status: Finished

Start Date: 15-02-2009

End Date: 15-10-2009


External Research Groups Involved
ETRO - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
SMIT - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
BETR - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Dienst Cultuur - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Rekencentrum - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
IBBT iLab.o

Funded By
Brussels Capital Region and supported by the Brussels Regional Informatics Centre.