An OWL- Based Approach for Integration in Collaborative Feature Modelling

Feature models are models that are used to capture differences and commonalities between software features, thus enabling the representation of variability within software. As the number of features grows, along with the increasing number of relations between features, the need rises to have collaboration between designers and have separate feature models together representing one system. Integration of such distributed models becomes an error-prone task. The large number of features and the often complex relations between features calls for the automated support of collaborative feature modelling. In this paper we present an OWL-based approach for the representation of feature models, while adding formal semantics to bring together distributed feature models used in collaborative modelling. We also provide a framework to detect anomalies and conflicting feature relations in a resulting integrated model.
Publication Reference
Abo Zaid, L., Houben, G-J., De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F.: An OWL- Based Approach for Integration in Collaborative Feature Modelling. 4th Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering - SWESE2008
