Print-n-Link: Weaving the Paper Web

Citations form the basis for a web of scientific publications. Search engines, embedded hyperlinks and digital libraries all simplify the task of finding publications of interest on the web and navigating to cited publications or web sites. However the actual reading of publications often takes place on paper and frequently on the move. We present a system Print-n-Link that uses technologies for interactive paper to enhance the reading process by enabling users to access digital information and/or searches for cited documents from a printed version of a publication using a digital pen for interaction. A special virtual printer driver automatically generates links from paper to digital services during the printing process based on an analysis of PDF documents. Depending on the user setting and interaction gesture, the system may retrieve metadata about the citation and inform the user through an audio channel or directly display the cited document on the user’s screen.
Publication Reference
Norrie, M.C., Signer, B. and Weibel, N.: "Print-n-Link: Weaving the Paper Web", Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2006), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2006
